The Godless - OcUK Guild Wars Guild Members Details...........................

MoNkEyMiKeY said:
Can I join please. The names Routlam syntech. expert n00b :D

Hello there, you need to leave your current guild first :)

I'm at work tomorrow but whisper an officer or post on the forum (in sig) and it should get picked up!
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Fubar - i have sent you an invite :D

SaiKor - If you want to join the guild let me know, space is limited as we have close to the 100 members now but should be able to find room. I just need you in game name to invite you.
i have tried to invite you but its saying that you are in a guild, you would have to leave it if you want to join.

unless one of the other officers has already sent you an invite.
Any chance i could join up please :D i wasn't sure whether to play the PvE or PvP character realm, went with PvE hope thats right.

I'm a lvl 11 Monk/Warrior called Brother Zauriel

Many Thanks.
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