The Godless - OcUK Guild Wars Guild Members Details...........................

got first rank in snowballs and that was enough, havent got the patience to go all the way, far to many hours wasted just to get thr first one >_>

and hello out there to all the godless if they remember me

*missing his old home*
lol ive never left the forums red, im still there, in the dark corners, lurking.

thou, if i left cape mortis would miss me to much and the guild would fall apart tbh, they need me.
Nightfall Collectors Edition should be arriving at my door some time next week. Can't wait to play it. :D

Really enjoyed the first one when I had a go on my mates PC it a LAN party.
my guild got disbanded on saturday so im on the look out for a new one i was wondering how many active members are usually online at the same time in the ocuk guild :)

one of my chars names is "jko monkey" :)
I would like to join the Guild, im online about once a week, maybe more. I tried to sign up on the forum but it asked for a Signup Code (found in-game) but I dont know what this is? Can anyone help?
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