I only play it every so often,(3month gaps etc) but when i do i play it hardcore. I mean hardcore
Get the pvp edition! You don't get access to the campaign but every skill unlocked from the get-go is niceVeNT said:hmm
I may get both then
I really want to get into GW but it does seem to have a HUGE load of grid
Psypher5 said:ive never actually looking into pvp'ing in guildwars. Always got hooked on the story
jas72 said:guys i'm trying to register with godless webby but i'm stuck at this question
Enter Signup Code (found in-game) *
Answer the Textual Confirmation question to prove you are not a spambot.
Emlyn_Dewar said:Anyone got their 2nd Birthday present yet?
Miniature Harpy Ranger for me... Novelty to the max.
Sounds cool!"Eye of the North provides a direct bridge to Guild Wars 2," O'Brian said. "We want everyone to eventually move on to Guild Wars 2." In order to do this, one of the major element introduced in Eye of the North will be the Hall of Monuments. This museum will allow players to store many of the great armor, weapons and achievements they've accumulated in tfhe first Guild Wars and transfer them to the new game. The Hall of Monuments will still exist 250 years after the end of the first game and the player's new character will be considered a descendent of their original. As such they're entitled to some of the older stuff that will be displayed in cases inside the hall. Players won't be able to bring everything with them. Some of the old skills and weapons won't make the transfer to the new game, but the team wants players who've invested so much time into the original game to not have to lose that when they start the new game.
SiD the Turtle said:Anyway invite into the Godless please?
Currently pre-sear with my ranger, Lyfshaide Asuana.