The benefits of being funded by a private nut case (Bezos) versus public tax payer money? lolIndeed. I thought it was a mental idea and unnecessary dangerous. Each of those cars would have different breaking distances and Jeremy basically braked as soon as the lights came on and he saw the dead end wall. And he only just stopped in time. Anybody slightly slower reaction times or worse brakes was always going to hit that wall head on.
Does anyone think the lake incident wasn’t staged?
I'm still not convinced, I don't see how you could stage it (not saying it's impossible), although the angle you see h at is low down so could possibly be he drove jnto a hole in the ice. That first crash thoughThey knew it was about two foot deep, if it was for real everybody would have been panicking if they thought it was deeper but nobody seemed to care.
Fair enough, think you'd struggle to prove his first crash being scriptedThey can cut the hole in the ice first and then get James to drive over it. The produces probably practiced it on another car before shooting the actual segment.
The hole just so happened to be fairly round and slightly smaller than the car, yet only a few meters away, the ice is seemingly a good foot deep. They just happened to have a camera perfectly lined up on it which was rolling just as it went in.
It’s all very convenient, that’s before you consider where just the right tools and logs came from to get it out.
Almost everything in TGT is scripted, some of it to a lesser extent than others but that was something which was planned well in advance.
You’re not really taking the car to him to restore, he’s just the face of it. The guys doing the work are, from what I understand, excellent.I watched the latest last night and I am done. It was just three moronic idiots faffing around just for the sake of it and by far the worst episode they have ever done. It's pointless now and Amazon is just wasting money on them.
Hammonds new show about his car restoration business is just as bad. Who is going to take a classic car to that idiot for restoration? I certainly wouldn't.