Over 5-10 years absolutely not, but over 1-5 years why not, Villa are in a phase where they are trying to grow to join the “top6” party, but the current FFP rules make it impossible it’s basically 2 years and you’re out.
It’s definitely not OK for a club to be getting themselves hundreds of millions in the hole chasing the dream. Even if they did manage to break the top 6 and become successful on the pitch, it’s not going to pay back those kind of losses any time soon. With the amount of money sloshing around the PL I find it astounding that any club is being run at a loss. If anything PSR needs tightening up to force all clubs to run at break even at worst (with some short term losses allowed for unforeseen issues)
It’s all very well dominating Europe and buying all the biggest bestest players for daft sums of money but if it leaves most of our clubs as absolute basket cases it’s not healthy and needs to be stopped.