The Great British Theft Epidemic

Maybe people are bored. Everything people did been young when it was good has been taken away.

It maybe is deeper than just been a criminal wanting to make money.

Partly boredom but it is far deeper than that in terms of the interlinked and consequential factors.

What it is true to say is that people are not getting more 'criminal' by virtue of their genetics. So if crime is going up, what is it in society that causes it?

Poverty and perceived lack of opportunity is a broad answer according to most studies.
Well you can fight back but don't be surprised if it's you the police arrest.
That’s the problem with society nowadays. You cannot defend yourself or your belongings as you then become the bigger criminals. Make it into law that you can use reasonable force to defend yourself or your belongings. This will never happen as we are having to accept that if we get mugged/assulted then we must just accept it
That’s the problem with society nowadays. You cannot defend yourself or your belongings as you then become the bigger criminals. Make it into law that you can use reasonable force to defend yourself or your belongings. This will never happen as we are having to accept that if we get mugged/assulted then we must just accept it
This is it in a nutshell. We cant have nice things :(
That’s the problem with society nowadays. You cannot defend yourself or your belongings as you then become the bigger criminals. Make it into law that you can use reasonable force to defend yourself or your belongings. This will never happen as we are having to accept that if we get mugged/assulted then we must just accept it

What you’re suggesting is the law though. :confused:
What you’re suggesting is the law though. :confused:

You can defend your property as long as you use reasonable force. In other words don't kill them, just beat them up enough to leave.

However, it is important to ensure that all those acting reasonably and in good faith to defend themselves, their family, their property or in the prevention of crime or the apprehension of offenders are not prosecuted for such action.
You can defend your property as long as you use reasonable force. In other words don't kill them, just beat them up enough to leave.

However, it is important to ensure that all those acting reasonably and in good faith to defend themselves, their family, their property or in the prevention of crime or the apprehension of offenders are not prosecuted for such action.

And in most cases this is what happens. The small minority which make the news almost always do so because they are so close to the very fine line between reasonable or not.

Being arrested for assault or in the worst case scenario manslaughter/murder is not necessarily an indication of guilt (despite the media trying to whip people into a frenzy over it); how exactly are the police supposed to determine whether the self-defence was reasonable (or even actually self-defence in the first place) if they don't investigate (which often involves an arrest to prevent the accused from tampering with/destroying evidence)?
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I don’t even think there’s a solution to stop a car been taken. A criminal will find a way to exploit something no matter how secure it is.

Maybe people are bored. Everything people did been young when it was good has been taken away.

It maybe is deeper than just been a criminal wanting to make money.

Why do you write "been" like that when it should be "being"?
And in most cases this is what happens. The small minority which make the news almost always do so because they are so close to the very fine line between reasonable or not.

Being arrested for assault or in the worst case scenario manslaughter/murder is not necessarily an indication of guilt (despite the media trying to whip people into a frenzy over it); how exactly are the police supposed to determine whether the self-defence was reasonable (or even actually self-defence in the first place) if they don't investigate (which often involves an arrest to prevent the accused from tampering with/destroying evidence)?
The other thing is that if you're arrested after using force for what you claim is self defence it mean you are automatically covered by various protections and have the ability to call on a lawyer regardless of your income/savings.

It also means that every potential bit of evidence then gets dealt with properly, as you say how else are they meant to know if it was self defence, or you'd invited someone into your house in order to have an excuse for the murder.
You hear people suggesting that youth clubs need to return.

In my days of youth club age (‘92-‘98) the youth clubs round me were rubbish. A pool table, table tennis - that’s it! A few of my friends went to them and gave up after a couple of weeks due to the above.

Ours was fantastic although you had to go to Sunday School. We had Megadrives, tennis court, ball pool, 5 a side concrete football pitch, plus snooker table, darts etc.

My daughter had none of this available to her which was sad. She also basically went on zero school trips whereas I was going all over the place.
And in most cases this is what happens. The small minority which make the news almost always do so because they are so close to the very fine line between reasonable or not.

Being arrested for assault or in the worst case scenario manslaughter/murder is not necessarily an indication of guilt (despite the media trying to whip people into a frenzy over it); how exactly are the police supposed to determine whether the self-defence was reasonable (or even actually self-defence in the first place) if they don't investigate (which often involves an arrest to prevent the accused from tampering with/destroying evidence)?
Multiple dick kicks is the way to do it, so they run away in severe pain but you don't kill them (just their ability hopefully to reproduce) imagine disputing that in court, that you, an upstanding pillar of the community purposely repeatedly kept kicking someone in the dick, even when they tried to leave/gave up, then you chased them down tripped them over and again kicked their dick in whilst laughing.
No one would believe an upstanding citizen would do that ;)
Multiple dick kicks is the way to do it, so they run away in severe pain but you don't kill them (just their ability hopefully to reproduce) imagine disputing that in court, that you, an upstanding pillar of the community purposely repeatedly kept kicking someone in the dick, even when they tried to leave/gave up, then you chased them down tripped them over and again kicked their dick in whilst laughing.
No one would believe an upstanding citizen would do that ;)

"Your honour, not only did he try to rob my house, he also repeatedly tried to violate my foot with his genitalia!"
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There's been a few features on BBC London news over the last decade about the numbers of youth clubs that have closed in London, especially those setup in the most deprived areas. They often had ex offenders running after school music and sports clubs etc and generally gave a lot of these kids someone to look up to (since there seems to be a huge number who have no male role model in their family). That along with massive cuts to social services etc will have all had a significant impact. Then again we often see an increase in crime in tough times and I suspect it doesn't help one iota having governments and the rich clearly seen to prosper with highly dodgy and at times illegal activities themselves and seemingly get away with it.. so why shouldn't I mentality comes into play. Especially towards what they see as larger corporations.

Then you've got the massively negative part of social media which helps organise, a certain portion of some music which massively glamorises violence, drugs etc and we're living in an age where people just don't care.. and just aren't caught. They know cameras are everywhere but put a hoodie on, cover your face and you're unlikely to get caught.

You need to give people something to live for, something that's better than that. In inner cities, gangs replace familes and if you remove all the support structure that was put in place to try and give people an alternative.. why are we remotely suprised when crime then rises?

Put back that support structure, put back local community policing (who generally get their area), get more Prison spaces (seems we've run out and are letting people out early) and maybe you'll start to see some progress. Otherwise I fear it's only going to get worse.. just throwing xx Police at issues with no other plan (when the government cut tens of thousands of them, along with Police stations) won't do much.
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I always have PIN to drive set on my tesla, I don't know how easy they are to steal, not looked into it but some of these really expensive range rovers and the like, the manufactures should really be doing more to stop these kind of thefts. Insurance rises are crazy right now and will only go up
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