I live in a small village that’s merged into another small village. Population around 12,000 total.
Everything branches from a main road, there are mainly two estates.
Most of our crime is being caused by the kids thinking that a “road man” is a good career option.
We have young kids dropping stones and bricks off the bridges damaging cars as they drive pass, one just missed a pram with a new born baby as their parents walked under.
Two of the parks’ play area got set on fire, two weeks apart.
They are trying car doors and house doors in the middle of the night.
Some are getting brave or stupid enough to attempt home invasions. I’ve already told the young single mother next door that if they try it at hers, just get the kids out of the house and come to mine. I sort them out.
For some odd reason our village hosts some of the largest events for our city, which sends knife crime up. We was all blocked in due to inconsiderate parking, when Craig David hosted a 80/90s gig at the local private airport.
We do get police cars travelling though all the time, but they either going pass or have to come from the next town which is a good 40 minutes drive to actually stop a crime.
There’s a helicopter that flys around to catch joyriders and out of town boy racers.
There’s a local officer that rides around on a bike and out community office would rather send his time planting flowers at the park and posting pictures of his hard work on fb.
I did challenge him for wasting time, we have a community group that goes round all year sorting out the flower beds and plant pots of the village. Yet he prefers to do it on his work time in uniform rather than volunteer his free time with the community group.
Racist attacks and abuses has certainly increased in the last few years, someone went through all the effort of mocking up a fake letter playing towards racist slurs of Muslims.. saying that women need to cover their faces, not talk unless asked a direct question by a man etc… as they covered an old house into a mosque/community centre. It obviously turned out to be a fake and that the windows has been regularly smashed in and other acts like posting dog poo though the letter box since they brought it.
The list of stuff is endless as it gets regularly posted into the Facebook group. The parents always claim it’s not there kids, but it is someone’s kids that is doing it.
I tend to ignore the minor stuff like them egging cars and climbing buildings… as I was kid once..