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The GTX 980 Ti owners thread.

I've installed mine but can't adjust the fan speeds very much. I'd like a lower idle speed ideally, not exactly loud I just want completely silent during movies etc :)

Any ideas anyone?

Can anyone tell me if one 980ti can do 4k max settings no AA in the latest titles ?
As I've just got a 4k screen and looking to buy one OC and see if it can cope if not I will have to go SLI..:o
Add me on, bought 1st June 2015 :)


how much faster would you imagine a 980ti is compared to my current setup - crossfire 7950's? I've been growing more tired by the day of AMD, will wait till next Tuesday and see what the fuss is all about, but I've got a 980ti in my basket and getting antsy lmao.
I dunno, most of the times he posts, I can't help but wonder whether he is high, or whether or not english is his first language.

Or, he's doing Yoda impersonations.

Agree with him not, do I...
Maybe they could be considered people giving themselves a bit of a polish.

I mean, personally, I don't get this whole "TROH" thing, and not bothered about posting pics for that.

But having a thread dedicated to a card just means you have less (hopefully) threads being started about exactly the same thing.
So, everyone else posts to get on TROH and no one really says anything, but this is the first time I have personally done it for any hardware thread and I am basically getting slated for it? Cheers guys
So, everyone else posts to get on TROH and no one really says anything, but this is the first time I have personally done it for any hardware thread and I am basically getting slated for it? Cheers guys

Not aimed at you I'm sure. I'm always glad to see a fellow forum member share their excitement of getting a new card. I like the owner's thread as it's a great place to swap stories, experiences and help.

I also appreciate the efforts that Kaap puts into maintain the owner's thread and TROH. These things take effort and make a difference to make us feel like a community rather than just another rage forum.

always been a fan of 8Pack but that comment wasn't necessary and seems unlike him in terms of how he inspires other enthusiasts with his passion and expertise
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