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The GTX 980 Ti owners thread.

Does anyone know where they're mounting their hybrid rads yet btw?

I've got the Enthoo Primo case, and was thinking about mounting at the back...I would love it if the pipes would reach the bottom of my case, but I've got a feeling they'll be too short.

this is 980 Hybrid but it should be the same length so it should be long enough to fit at the bottom or back or top .

Wondering the same, looks a bit like it.

Have got an EVGA Hybrid on the way and just thinking I've already got a H100i in the top of my 650D.

Hope there's enough room for the cooler on the rear fan mount

Exactly the same here 650D with a H100i

Ahh okay, in that case i might have to put my rad on the back, i don't think the rad will reach to the front of the 650D!

Either way i will have a look and let you guys know :)
Just changed my Hybrid to the G1 Gaming model now so hopefully that helps someone out to get theirs sooner. My pre order was 1st June at 8pm so I would imagine in the first 25 orders.
69 degrees under load compared to the reference cooler's 84, and that's with a higher factory clock base.

And this is why I will never buy a reference cooler.

Thats huge difference in temps cant for more custom coolers to come out.
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69 degrees under load compared to the reference cooler's 84, and that's with a higher factory clock base.

And this is why I will never buy a reference cooler.

Yet my reference cooled EVGA SC cards boost higher out of the box without tinkering and are better for SLI. Especially in a chassis designed more for silence than air flow like the H440.

G1's 1241Mhz vs Reference SC 1290Mhz.

You buy the cards that best suit your needs. As long as the cards don't throttle or sound like hair dryers, it doesn't matter to me. :)
Yet my reference cooled EVGA SC cards boost higher out of the box without tinkering and are better for SLI. Especially in a chassis designed more for silence than air flow like the H440.

G1's 1241Mhz vs Reference SC 1290Mhz.

You buy the cards that best suit your needs. As long as the cards don't throttle or sound like hair dryers, it doesn't matter to me. :)

Those temps were comparing G1s boost to stock 980 Ti.

Anyway I didn't intend to knock on the reference cards, they are definitely useful in quite a few situations. But other than SLI and low air flow cases, I can't see why people would not go for aftermarket coolers.
Those temps were comparing G1s boost to stock 980 Ti.

Anyway I didn't intend to knock on the reference cards, they are definitely useful in quite a few situations. But other than SLI and low air flow cases, I can't see why people would not go for aftermarket coolers.

Oh I agree. If it's just a single card go for it. I'm just not all that impressed by their clocks out of the box. Guru3D also only really boosted to it SC reference card numbers bar the extra headroom for boost clock. Although there are folks running +200 of the Coreclock on the reference cards without issue in SLI as well.

I kinda feel the same with the Hybrids, they clock them far too conservatively out of the factory. Most people never overclock, and it would help so much.
I guess it's too much hassle for them, especially with the silicone lottery.
Oh I agree. If it's just a single card go for it. I'm just not all that impressed by their clocks out of the box. Guru3D also only really boosted to it SC reference card numbers bar the extra headroom for boost clock. Although there are folks running +200 of the Coreclock on the reference cards without issue in SLI as well.

I kinda feel the same with the Hybrids, they clock them far too conservatively out of the factory. Most people never overclock, and it would help so much.
I guess it's too much hassle for them, especially with the silicone lottery.

Ah I missed that Guru3D OC'd the stock 980 Ti. Good spot.

Anyway I'm also using a H440 case so I'll definitely let people know how two ACX's go. That's on a Z97 board too so things should get toasty. :p

I'm predicting it will be around the same temperature and noise as a reference SLI setup, but I won't have as much overclocking headroom without exceeding this.
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