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The GTX Titan X owners thread.


A deranged man has been reported to be jumping on the roof of delivery vehicles armed with a can opener, hacking his way inside in a apparent bid to find a certain parcel, the contents of which is not yet clear. He seems to be mainly targeting DPD vehicles at present. The man, who goes by the name of Gregster is believed to be a computer enthusiast and proponent for the 'green team'.

More news as the situation develops.


A deranged man has been reported to be jumping on the roof of delivery vehicles armed with a can opener, hacking his way inside in a apparent bid to find a certain parcel, the contents of which is not yet clear. He seems to be mainly targeting DPD vehicles at present. The man, who goes by the name of Gregster is believed to be a computer enthusiast and proponent for the 'green team'.

More news as the situation develops.


Eye-witnesses have mentioned "Gregster" raging "Are you Paul?" to the DPD driver before running off to the next van.
I have quite a few detail benches (various games) on SLI GTX970s (1266 MHz/1753 MHz) and will add the Titan X results to them when I get my card.

Great, that'll be much appreciated. No real preference on games except maybe games that scale well with more GPU grunt like BF4, Crysis 3, Tomb Raider. I do like to see the fps minimums if possible.
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