The Guardian's Owen Jones attacked outside London pub in a premeditated assault.

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Homophobes, Far-right activists or Far-right homophobic activists I wonder :confused:

This country is becoming ever more extreme and lawless. Never mind, I am quite sure that Bonker Boris will "Lock 'em up and throw away the key" :(

According to some in the press. But how many actual "right wing" incidents have there been?
Please educate me with some links regarding the above incidents with him, having seen him on TV a fair amount, read plenty of his opinion pieces as well as one of his books I have somehow managed to avoid any of the above mentioned :confused:.

Its all on Facebook and Twitter feed.

One of his better known Facebook posts is where he slags others on the left for saying violence solves nothing, in direct response to the Richard Spenser incident, saying that the Nazis weren't beaten singing Kumbaya. He got a lot of criticism for that.
I don't agree with Jones opinions, but I also don't want him getting assaulted for holding them. I'd rather those that disagree take him down intellectually.
Hate crime, terrorism, todays buzzword, i Think he just fell foul to his own smug personality offending drunk people.

OF COURSE its going to be spun as a Right wing beating, down in the tube station at midnight..... Its his agenda and a gift for him to portray it like that, a martyr.

No one should be attacked for their beliefs, but some of these radical media types must stir up so much ire.
These are the stupid crazy times we are sliding towards.

Its becoming tit for tat. It is wrong regardless. Left, Right they are all becoming just as thuggish as each other.

Trouble is there is no room for nuance anywhere on sensitive subjects. There is nothing you can say, no matter how well framed or supported by evidence that doesn't land you with a label.

Don't think teaching 6 year olds about trans is healthy? Bigot
Want a discussion some of the seemingly negative aspects on Islam? Racist
Want sensible controls on immigration? Far right etc.

Owen Jones has been very quick to label any opposition to his positions as extreme and shuts down any meaningful debate before it even gets started. Calling everyone names is not going to convince people you have a better argument.
It's foolish pride that's at the root of it all, people get damaged then they want revenge and real rebellion starts. It will never change.
I used to like the guy in the past; he seemed to talk a fair amount of sense. I've changed my mind (a lot!) in recent years, however I'm obviously not going to condone beating him up (I prefer the kind of roughing up Andrew Neil used to give him). But I can't be the only one wondering if he's as gobsmackingly annoying socially as he can be in interviews. I don't find it too hard to imagine him upsetting some late night drinkers and getting a reminder that life's still a bit Serengeti out in the real world beyond TV studios and social media.

When he went straight for the right wing conspiracy card (without any credible evidence I could detect) my support became grudging again. And when I read some relevant twitter feeds, full of rather culty 'Solidarity' support, I got even more uncomfortable. Even if it turns out he's right, I'm as disturbed by elements of the reaction as I am by the assault.

Whether right, left, or smack bang in the middle (wherever that is these days!) there's no doubt that modern British politics is adrift at sea, rudderless. But if everyone who falls overboard keeps flailing around screaming about sharks, sooner or later we're going to stop listening and start throwing lumps of meat in after them.
Well, if Tommy Robinson can get attacked for views that people don't like without anyone giving a ****, I don't see why I'm supposed to give a **** about this guy being attacked for views the attackers didn't like. The guys a knob.
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