The Guardian's Owen Jones attacked outside London pub in a premeditated assault.

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I have no idea if Jones in his private life is a obnoxious person (not a reason to assault someone, but certainly can make someone angry), does anyone else saying he deserves it know him personally?

No, so stop it.
All extremists need to be slapped back in line sometimes. Not just the side you support.
The problem is the media are whipping people up into frenzies, look at all of the gullible people who fell for their Russian collusion conspiracy theory and they still probably believe it.

You've got far left Antifa physically attacking people because they've been whipped into a frenzy about far right Nazi white supremicasts hiding around every corner (who is everyone with an opinion different to them) and you've got people on the right who are terrified of the lefts embrace of Communist/Marxist/Socialist ideology and don't want to be victim of another Communist genocide which killed far more people in the 20th century than two World Wars and the evil Nazi's did. Where did all of the moderates go?
really sad crying now

Well Tommy robber is a violent person, so that's just par for the course, is Jones a violent person?

Tommy is in prison for being a bad boy roar... and you still defend a convicted criminal (many times over i should say, so hasn't rehabilitated...), yet you're quick to jump in to other criminal threads to say how ruined this country is and that they should be put to death. smh tbh
Is there any evidence this actually happened? and/or was as serious as he said? given his attention seeking I have a hard time taking it at face value.
Well, this one possibly. He could have been attacked for "being annoying" or more likely as stated he was attacked for being a prominent left-winger or for being gay. Either of those two scenarios would place this as a right wing attack.

And what makes being attacked for being gay right wing? Most "recent" atrocities in the world have been committed by the far left. Stalin wasn't exactly an advocate for freedom equality and neither is the current Chinese government.
And what makes being attacked for being gay right wing? Most "recent" atrocities in the world have been committed by the far left. Stalin wasn't exactly an advocate for freedom equality and neither is the current Chinese government.

Who the **** cares what happens in another country? This is HAPPENING HERE.

If it's extremely typical for right wing views and homophobia to collide then that's the reality of it HERE.
for someone who was attacked and kicked in the head he looks like nothing happened - not a mark on him if you watch him on the news.
It's not OK that he's been attacked. Would perhaps have been a bit more ironic if it were a milkshake being thrown at him after he was gloating when Farage got hit with one!

It does seem that people on the extremes of politics are targets of violence these days, politics has become rather polarised and the likes of Owen Jones and Nigel Farage don't really help that much.
I suspect it wasn't premeditated but more in relation to something that happened that night.

But then again I find it very hard to sympathise with a man who makes calls to violence over politics potentially suffering violence due to politics.
That narrows it down to about 60 million people then.
Well he is for sure insufferable, but I'll defend his right to say what he wants.

And violence against him isn't acceptable if it's politically motivated.

Sadly, it's free publicity at the end of the day and ignoring him is far more likely to make him go away than making him a martyr (for the more insane left-wing base that he represents).
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