The hangout thread (organising social gaming etc)

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I was thinking that whilst having the armour ability as effectively bonus health and healing, not having zap or the backstab damage made it tough. There again that was a really narrow level and i don't know how many backstab opportunities there would have been.
Looking at the Demeo discord and reddit pages, the main tip is to keep to the edges of the board. Makes sense as you can then limit which angles you're attacked from. Also apparently the archer can shoot and hit enemies in dark areas, as the cursor changes when it's over an enemy.
Looking at the Demeo discord and reddit pages, the main tip is to keep to the edges of the board. Makes sense as you can then limit which angles you're attacked from. Also apparently the archer can shoot and hit enemies in dark areas, as the cursor changes when it's over an enemy.

That's a really handy tip, since the archer was losing usefulness.
Well, it was pretty challenging this evening!! It's pretty scary too hearing all the doors open and close and knowing that enemy is closing in and you can't see them. However the sounds of them dying as they walked across the poisoned floors is very satisfying :)

We were worried about longevity, but, we learned in the game today that the difficulty really ramps up. Our run through the two levels was exactly that, running, or fleeing to be more accurate :p We barely squeaked by the second level, we lost two good men along the way, but were extremely lucky that right at the end of the map the enemies moved away from the exit. Think I had only 1 hp health left and no armour!!

I think our 3 warrior, 1 archer party experiment will struggle in the next level :) We are really missing the crowd control that the mage brings and the added ranged attack he has. The assassin would have helped too with his ability to kill enemies around 11/12 hp in two attacks (or even one if critical)

I really enjoyed the game tonight because of how challenging it was. It will be very interesting to see how we get on in the next level :)

yeah was a good one last night

Raggs already had a server and the warrior selected when i came in and I said "I can pick any 4" and his reply was "you cant have the warrior as im already him" but then i said "but i can still select him"

so then, we both said "well lets try it and see if it lets me pick him"
and it did !

So then we had 2 warriors, then Melmac arrived and we were all just talking in jest about going 4 warrior classes, , so he decided to pick warrior too ! lol

but then Rav spoiled it and went archer :p ;) :D

im guessing in a future update then will stop that ?
Hey, I like archers!
Other tips:
Blocking doors works - different enemies require different size doors. If you can block a door so only one enemy can get through at a time, then that helps tremendously.
If you can kill a low HP enemy over hitting a big one, then kill the low HP enemy so you cut down on the number of attackers. The exception is enemies that summon others, or buff the boss.
Ranger should prioritise ranged enemies where possible.
That barricade was actually really useful. 10hps too, so it lasted a while.

Though I wonder if enemies can walk through lamps? If I put a lamp in a small doorway, is it permanently blocked off to enemies now? As they don't seem to hit them deliberately. Expensive, but potentially useful.
guys, tomorrow night, if we are meeting up as usual, I'm a bit under the weather and coughing a lot, so I rather we did something sedate, like a round of Demeo, than saving the world from the pirates..
I'm snotty, coughy and sinusy too. Two lateral flows have been negative which is nice at least. Demeo is good for me. Will need my usual 20.45 break, berak and barak.
I will be around tonight and I feel amazing!! Wonderfully healthy :p

Demeo is more than fine, it would have been my choice. We have barely scratched the surface of the game.
I'm snotty, coughy and sinusy too. Two lateral flows have been negative which is nice at least. Demeo is good for me. Will need my usual 20.45 break, berak and barak.

i ordered a test pack and arrived today, so will have to get that back tomorrow
but my god im short of breathe sometimes, i might turn my mic off , i might not even be there at all
i ordered a test pack and arrived today, so will have to get that back tomorrow
but my god im short of breathe sometimes, i might turn my mic off , i might not even be there at all

Well, It's a sit down game, so shouldn't be too stressful. So hope you can make it, but don't force it, if you aren't up for it don't worry about it. Just take care.
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