The hangout thread (organising social gaming etc)

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I blame you Rav.

Just had 2 of our household return positive lateral flows. I'm still clear, but going to take a pcr just in case. Sorry for dropping out the game early guys, shame as I was really enjoying that one.
I blame you Rav.

Just had 2 of our household return positive lateral flows. I'm still clear, but going to take a pcr just in case. Sorry for dropping out the game early guys, shame as I was really enjoying that one.

It's Shi Warrior!! He is like Typhoid Mary running around the place infecting everyone :p

No problem Raggs, Hope you and the family are ok and it's only the mild version.
Fun game tonight. Raggs missed a couple of excellent hole in ones.

I hope everyone gets better soon. Raggs I hope that your family has the mild variant (or even a false positive lat flow test).
Ah, normally I would be around on Saturday night. Just not around tonight :( or else I would have definitely joined in for some VR gaming.

I'd be up for some gaming.

I don't have after the fall though.

cool, round of golf then ?

Ah, normally I would be around on Saturday night. Just not around tonight :( or else I would have definitely joined in for some VR gaming.



Sorry Mel, just isolating with covid still, and im fed up of sitting down lol want to stand up and game instead :)
Can't tonight I'm afraid, won't be able to do saturday next week either, but may after? Won't be as regular as Monday though.
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