Haven't had a hangover for quite some time, when I do it's generally never more than a 3.5 on that scale.
The last real one I had was in Stoke after the 2016 Donny bash. We had a skinful of beer and then
@Will Gill,
@Hilly and I demolished a bottle of rum at the hotel. The following morning, I made it to breakfast and ate a spoonful of Rice Krispies while everyone else was tucking into a full breakfast. At lunchtime I barely managed to eat two chips but by the evening meal, I was perfectly fine and absolutely ravenous. I scoffed everything in front of me, drank more booze and we ended up in the Burger King opposite the hotel.
That was in 2016 and I've still got the pictures of Hilly and his bright yellow underpants in the hotel lobby.
It's an anti-inflammatory so it reduces brain swelling and helps prevent a headache. Pint of water and a couple of 'profen before going to bed is a great way to help protect against a hangover.