It turns out that half of the walls are suffering from excessive damp due to sheets of water pouring down inside them for no apparent reason. In response the father footles about with some fans and plastic sheeting, but this half-arsed token gesture towards the problem is quickly forgotten and never mentioned again, so I guess the walls didn't get fixed either.
At some point the father accidentally cuts the back of his hand on an industrial fan which inexplicably lacks a guard across the blades. The wound is severe, clearly requiring minor surgery, a ******** of stitches, some nerve reconstruction, a professionally applied bandage, and at least a week of inactivity before the hand can be used again.
The father wraps a thin bandage around it, and continues his lame attempts at DIY. A few scenes later he's using the hand like nothing happened.
The child actors are pretty abysmal. One of the boys looks and sounds like he belongs in a Neil Breen flick. One of the girls is given lines that are completely unrealistic for a child her age. The adult actors are little better, and one of them has a forehead the size of the Eiffel Tower, which is as distracting and unpleasant as it sounds.
The plastic sheeting and fans didn't work. There is a scene where he removes the sheeting and its gone back to being full of black mold again. It was obviously spooky mold...
The fan scene was a bit dumb, he would have severed all his tendons and would have needed surgery. I notice this is loads of films and TV shows, where people cut their hand deeply with a knife to draw blood for whatever reason. Always makes me cringe as the tendons are so near to the skin.
I can't agree with the child actors being "abysmal". I thought they were pretty decent tbh. The only one that was a bit off was the kid with glasses.