The High-Res Screenshot Thread!


Cool, that game any good?

Do you love SC4 and building infrastructure: It's rubbish compared to SC4.

Do you think sc4 is too complex and want something simpeler and/or looking better: It's great compared to sc4.

Personally still have SC4 far above city life, but city life is quite good. Better than the SC:S rubbish EA came with.

eg. For me City Life is enjoyable to play, but still very simplistic and easy compared to sim city, I love designing roads and transport, but City Life aint about that and it barely makes any difference.
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Amazing shot, shame they made it in that way that it's unplayable with the keyboard, the flaps/directional stuff doesn't center after releasing the button :(. If it would ( like in lets say the battlefield games), it'd be easily flyable with the kb, but as it is atm, it's impossible :(.
Amazing shot, shame they made it in that way that it's unplayable with the keyboard, the flaps/directional stuff doesn't center after releasing the button :(. If it would ( like in lets say the battlefield games), it'd be easily flyable with the kb, but as it is atm, it's impossible :(.

you can fly with mouse as yoke, that might be better, or just buy a joystick, saitek got good ones with throttles for fairly cheap.
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