The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

15 Nov 2006
Started this to see if it takes since people commonly run much higher resolutions now so images over 800x600 shouldn't be an issue.

NAME YOUR GAMES. (Add a title to your post)

I'll start, C&C3 and BF2142;




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Steedie said:
But what about people who have widescreen monitors or higher than 1280x1024 which a lot of people on these forums have

Might as well all keep it in the other thread tbh where everyone has to stick to one size
Wasn't too sure what size to put it as so just put it a good two notches above 800x600 atleast, I'm using a widescreen monitor myself but still 1280x960 odd is still going to show off more detail than a 800x600 picture. Didn't wanna make the picture size too big but at a fair bit bigger than 800x600.
5bjoshua said:
I think this a good idea!

Jihad, pics to small, please delete ;)
They said too big in the other thread

and Ulfhedjinn, well mainly because when I resize my pictures to 800x600 it doesn't turn out right. Plus some others wanted a bigger thread so may aswell try.
Ulfhedjinn said:
Thumbnails? :confused: ImageShack will even make them for you automatically if you want. :o
Maybe it's just me but about 90% of the time after clicking a thumbnail it takes ages for the full version to show up.
Ulfhedjinn said:
Must be a problem with your connection then, and there are other hosting sites. :)
My connections fine on every other site really , just Imageshack takes forever sometimes.
I use Flickr, and that auto resizes my pictures problem is the medium size is way too small and the large size is a tiny bit over the limits of the 800x600 thread.
titaniumx3 said:
Not too sure about the "no shadows" flag. Will definitely improve performance but will also take away quite a large part of the amazing atmosphere in Stalker (especially indoors).
Yeah that's what I thought, shadows are always nice.
MoNkEyMiKeY said:
Its pintless becuase you could ahve carried using the old one and used thumbnails. And don't tell me imageshack gives popups becuase it only does it once. And if you cant be bothered to click on thumbnails then you really should get out and get some exercise.
Actually the Imageshack for me when clicking thumbnails is ALWAYS slow and it's not my internet connection.

I'd rather have them as big screenshots than using thumbnails for that exact reason, I expect the image to have loaded within 5 secs not have to wait 5 seconds for the image to just start loading.
marc2003 said:
dirt looks crap in those shots. i hope it looks better in game. the detail on the car is nice but the rest is just...... meh :eek:
I swear Fraps isn't saving screenshots at high quality or something, any other better apps just for taking screens?
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