joffy said:Ah so you playing the German release?
I've read mostly bad things about the game so far. Nice to see it maybe worth getting after all?
I love it.. but it has its down sides. Voice acting = terrible (yes mine is in english, and its quite badly done... im gunna buy the UK version when released and hope its better)
Graphics are STUNNING, very vibrant, and it runs like a dream, i dont get less than 50fps on my rig, with all settings maxed, 8xAA and 16xAF outside, in the cities i get about 30 due to loads of NPCs
The towns and cities are much better than the ones in oblivion imo, due to it being busier and more "alive". Also, the upper world is totaly open, free roaming, and no loading screens. Towns/Cities have a gate, but you just walk up to it and it opens on its own... you can ride horses through towns, and fight on horseback.
Horses SUCK imo, controlling them gives me a headache, and the fighting is pretty bad too on horseback.