The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Batman Arkham Asylum


That one is incredible, wallpaper-worthy.

Dead Space 2 1920x1080 All set to max on Epson tw-5500 projector
Star Wars FU2 @1360x768 as on 32" hdtv at time i was playing.
SWFU2 is pretty poor. DS2 is however awesome. :)[/IMG][/QUOTE]

First two should be posted full size

toe Jam & Earl?
Or rather the 2nd or 3rd one I believe.

Me and my brother enjoyed the first game on the megadrive. It was a laugh back in the days but no topion to save was a bummer.

I remember the ice cream van, rocket skates and radomizer presents.

Toe Jam and Earl 2. It had passwords to save and continue your progress, but writing them down and typing them in using the joypad was a PITA.

Yay for the save slots on Steam's mega drive collection.
This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, it's just something I've always thought about the thread.

Whenever a big game comes out all it is in here is pages of the most dull screenshots imaginable which are all the same, standing in the start area with your gun etc :p

I'd agree. I guess that it's a bit like photography (not that I'm a photographer). Anyone can take a photo, but actually capturing something interesting at just the right moment takes skill/talent/luck.

You do get some stunning images in this thread every now and again though.
Purdy it looks rubbish because of the JPEG compression, use PNG and resave as JPG in Photoshop after using less compression.
Some Dead space 2 shots :D first time using imageshack- how to upload full size? not click thumbnails :(

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how to upload full size? not click thumbnails :(
1. When you up something, select 'no' to label thumb, and form image resize: 'do no resize'.
2. After its done you will get multiple links to your image, including direct, thumbnail and even forum BB Code. Select the one you want from that.
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