The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

Hiya, no i play with those settings, everything max apart from SSAO, during my testing of it, both at night and daylight, i can't see any difference so it's disabled.
Other than that everything is maxed with AA x4 AF x16, PPAA is on fxaa ultra as i find it's by far the best, everything else blurs the image where as fxaa ultra sharpens it.
Get around 50-80fps.
Just walking on a mountain side Castlevania Style 2560 x 1600

That may just be bad server optimisation though, that's the biggest killer in Arma 2, some servers feel like they are capped at 30 whilst others give close to a hundred. :(
That may just be bad server optimisation though, that's the biggest killer in Arma 2, some servers feel like they are capped at 30 whilst others give close to a hundred. :(
I think that's was it was tbh, me and suarez7 were playing, started the server with around 40-60fps, within a few minutes that had dropped to 20-30fps max, regardless of changing settings, i noted that my gpu and cpu usages both dropped to around 15% :(
When your FPS goes to **** on ARMA it's mainly server side. On the editor I can completely max things out and never drop below 60 frames. A multiplayer server last night I joined I was getting 20fps with nothing going on.
I was playing on the CPC DayZ server quite a while ago and the FPS was kinda meh, but then the owner used this program to optimise the server-side code and the FPS levels went up quite abit. Every admin should use it!
I was playing on the CPC DayZ server quite a while ago and the FPS was kinda meh, but then the owner used this program to optimise the server-side code and the FPS levels went up quite abit. Every admin should use it!

It will of just been a cleanup script, later on the FPS will fall back down to the level it was at. To my knowledge no program exists that can optimize code for any ARMA 2 server.
With Djipi's Cel Mod 2011:






For more realistic theme preservation, with the Community Retexture Project v5.8 (they're still working on it):





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Silent Hill 2 brings back some memories; I don't think I've ever completed it though. I might give it a try again some day.

Misery 2.02 :









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Holy hell, I never knew Mafia 2 looked like that! I thought that was an old school game with dated graphics. Just been watching vids on youtube of the Physx effects.

I need to get this game, cant believe I never got this!
As gay as Zelda is, the graphics didn't half look good for a 1998 game on a console!

EDIT: Oh wait, it's modded? How the hell did people mod an emulated game? :D
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