The High-Res Screenshot Thread!






Wanted to get into this game for so long but it runs like absolout garbage on my rig regardless of settings, i'm on a 680, i7 2600 @ 3.4ghz and 8GB RAM and when i get anywhere near more than 4 people in an area it goes to total crap.

Coincidently, someone asked me the same thing earlier today. So I will copy my reply here:

Yes, I do get poor performance when entering Agartha at times when it loads all the characters. Other than that, my performance fix is to drop the effects and lighting settings one notch to 3.8, from the advanced menu.

It's a very unique game indeed, best played with a game pad with dual analogue sticks of course!

I did come across the single-player co-op analogy used to describe the game's control mechanics and hence the requirement for dual analogue sticks. Another interesting reason to play the game, I thought.

Fortunately, and like most I imagine, I have a 360 gamepad that should fit the bill quite well.
was very tempted to buy that, its goot great review for an alpha, but no one on my steams friends list has it so i let it slip :/
The car models are outstanding. I had no idea what it was when i saw it in the steam sale but the screenshots looked great and iv wanted a good racing sim for ages.
Its a little buggy which is expected for an early access game but definatly worth it. The sound is incredable and the handling feels really nice. Spent 5 mins just admiring the car models lol.
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