I've downloaded the Mafia "Remastered" bundle of mods (and installer) which is mostly cars, gun sounds, some textures and QoL fixes like 16:9 support and improved HUD.
View Distance
Remastered cars (they're the real cars, higher poly count, higher quality texture)
Proper first person driving view
Improved lighting (and I opted to not to use an ENB)
Support for 16:9 aspect ratios (no HUD stretch) and high resolution HUD
Driving is quite fun and natural with a fully analogue throttle / brakes / steering with a 360 controller too.
View Distance
Remastered cars (they're the real cars, higher poly count, higher quality texture)
Proper first person driving view
Improved lighting (and I opted to not to use an ENB)
Support for 16:9 aspect ratios (no HUD stretch) and high resolution HUD
Driving is quite fun and natural with a fully analogue throttle / brakes / steering with a 360 controller too.