***The High-Res Screenshot Thread!***








Hogwarts doesn't hold a candle to the interior marble flooring and reflections to indy :p
I've been playing Elite Dangerous again, and man that game can produce some spectacular wallpaper! Here are a few shots from my recent expeditions:

This image is Titan Cocijo above Earth from the most recent Thargoid invasion of Sol event:

Titan Cocijo after a bombing run, very angry:

Even angrier, defenses enabled:

Getting into position for another bombing run:

Made it back to the rescue ship after a successful bombing run:

After the Titan's destruction, in a meltdown state, with the Thargoid ships evacuating the Maw:

Me exploring a crater on a nearby moon in my Mandalay. What an epic ship she is:

Just chilling with the perfect view:
Super tempted to get this one, Looks gorgeous, Long game with plenty to do or short?
20+ hours if you do side stuff too, so plenty to do. I completed it in 31 hours and had stuff left to do still.
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Decided for the very first time ever in my time playing Elite Dangerous that I'd kit myself out an exploration vessel and head out into the Black. Only caught a few shots so far as I'm early into my expedition, but already landed on several planets as the first person to set foot on it and I've only just jumped about 20 jumps out of the Bubble!

Decided I'd try and investigate a really dark crater on one of the planets I landed on. As you can see, it's very dark!

First footfall confirmed! One step for man, etc etc!

I know it's just a sandy rock, but the view is still pretty impressive!

I found the bacteria colony that I was looking for!

I thought about skimming the surface but it's quite difficult to fly in this view!

A picture of my lovely Mandalay, with an epic Northern Lights-esque skyline!

I hope these images come through properly, I'm playing on a 49" Ultrawide monitor and they're at 5120 x 1440, so hopefully PostImages handles the res well enough for you all!
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