***The High-Res Screenshot Thread!***

The Evil Within.
2560x1080 @ 21:9 aspect ratio with FOV & Aspect ratio fixes provide by Flawless Widescreen to make the game look the way it should have at launch it takes a skilled modder to do that instead of Tango Gameworks :rolleyes: The game is now more demanding as the lamp casts realtime shadows & light FX so the GPU is getting a healthy workout ;) but the games atmosphere has been changed dramatically into a decent survival horror title.








The Evil Within looks like a good game how long to complete the game.
About 15 hours but the save system is bugged for some players like me so having to start from chapter 1 again with a new save profile.

If you use the developer console to remove the black borders & fix the FOV it messes up the save system apparently :rolleyes: I would not recommend anyone buying right now the game in not stable enough & needs several patches....its still not had a single patch either in almost a week not a good sign!
About 15 hours but the save system is bugged for some players like me so having to start from chapter 1 again with a new save profile.

If you use the developer console to remove the black borders & fix the FOV it messes up the save system apparently :rolleyes: I would not recommend anyone buying right now the game in not stable enough & needs several patches....its still not had a single patch either in almost a week not a good sign!

yep same old problems wait until in the steam sales for a couple pounds.:rolleyes:
I am using custom T500RS with Sparco P300 over 2 years... SUPERB wheel !!!
Gamepad is good for Assassin's Creed etc.
This is racing simulator :) with good car physics and force feedback as well.
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