The impending environmental disaster

The equilibrium isn't a conscious decision it's one achieved through food supply/scarcity causing populations to increase and dwindle. It swings back and forth but generally there is an equilibrium.

Generally this falls apart in situations such as invasive species being introduced or the environment is suddenly and radically altered by an upright evolved monkey apex predator.

We did used to find a balance but then we got smart and overpowered and too numerous.

So literally exactly what humans do. (Also your now ignoring that in the quote the animals are doing this "instinctively" not by outside forces like food scarcity so already your arguing its wrong too)

Your describing reality. Humans or any other animal breed until they outstrip the food supply then die off a bit then breed more again and so on, humans just happen to be ableto move goods around. This isn't even mentioning there is no new area to move to humans haven't had a new area to move to for centuries now.

Nothing like the quote.

Shockingly a quite from a 90s Sci fi movie about using humans as batteries is scientifically inaccurate
The equilibrium isn't a conscious decision it's one achieved through food supply/scarcity causing populations to increase and dwindle. It swings back and forth but generally there is an equilibrium.

Generally this falls apart in situations such as invasive species being introduced or the environment is suddenly and radically altered by an upright evolved monkey apex predator.

We did used to find a balance but then we got smart and overpowered and too numerous.

We observe an equilibrium because we notice "oh, theres less rabbits this year" while the rabbits starve to death. We are the only creature on earth capable of modifying our behaviour to achieve long term, multi decade goals. But we won't do it when it's as big as climate change.

If you want proof of this, see the Australian mouse plague. They found resources and reproduced to insane, unsustainable populations.
We observe an equilibrium because we notice "oh, theres less rabbits this year" while the rabbits starve to death. We are the only creature on earth capable of modifying our behaviour to achieve long term, multi decade goals. But we won't do it when it's as big as climate change

Because its not relevant to us as individuals.

You can sacrifice and suffer now in the hope that 2-3 generations down the line the kids of some people you aren't related to may have a better life.

Or you can live for now enjoy yourself, reproduce and make sure your offspring have an advantage.

If humans ever chose the former then 90% of the populations wouldn't be living how it is but we don't.

Because there's no point the other 90% still exist hans still exist and so the competition is always for "my child" not "humanity at large"
"I'd like to share a revelation I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to another area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure."

A disappointingly commonly held but ultimately reprehensible (hopefully simply misguided) arguement in my opinion.
Niel DeGrasse Tyson reckons we are not far off a snowball effect anyway.

Basically when the co2 gets to a point, ice will melt releasing more co2 (or something along those lines) and the thing snowballs so even the entire human race cut co2 to nil, we are still all ******.

I do worry about my kids future if I'm honest.
I said it years ago, I'm afraid we as a species are too stupid to do what's required to survive.

Can you honestly see us eating less meat, buying/using less cars etc etc

What do 'most' people do who come into big houses, fast cars, go on foreign holidays.

The government needs to be tough, but being tough doesn't win elections....and the thirst for power/weath is far too strong. Governments spend more on military than climate change. That tells you all you need to know. I dare say democracy isn't the answer in saving the planet.

It's all well and good the local councils kicking off at which coloured bins you put paper and plastic in, but as mentioned in the OP....the earths still getting warmer!

I guess all our eggs are now in the nuclear fussion basket.

The absolute worse thing, isn't the exctinction of humankind, but rather the destruction of the earth itself. If we end up making it so nothing can survive on this planet, well.....actually, what is the point? I doubt anyone/anything in the universe is going to miss us. What a sobering thought.
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I said it years ago, I'm afraid we as a species are too stupid to do what's required to survive.

Can you honestly see us eating less meat, buying/using less cars etc etc

What do 'most' people do who come into big houses, fast cars, go on foreign holidays.

The government needs to be tough, but being tough doesn't win elections....and the thirst for power/weath is far too strong. Governments spend more on military than climate change. That tells you all you need to know.

It's all well and good the local councils kicking off at which coloured bins you put paper and plastic in, but as mentioned in the OP....the earths still getting warmer!

I guess all our eggs are now in the nuclear fussion basket.

The absolute worse thing, isn't the exctinction of humankind, but rather the destruction of the earth itself. If we end up making it so nothing can survive on this planet, well.....actually, what is the point? I doubt anyone/anything in the universe is going to miss us. What a sobering thought.

The other problem is lack of willingness to innovate or embrace alternatives in a rational manner i.e. people get stuck on X is needed to save the planet when Y might also work.

Not saying it necessarily is possible but for instance it might be possible to develop ways people can keep eating meat while removing the harmful side of it for the environment but many of the more hardcore environmentalists have decided everyone has to become vegan/vegetarian and won't consider any other alternatives. Same with nuclear.
I said it years ago, I'm afraid we as a species are too stupid to do what's required to survive.


But this isn't even remotely about survival as a species.

Is about which % is going to get ****ed more than they are already.

but rather the destruction of the earth itself.

But it's not it's about a change in the environment. Earth and the majority of life has been through this kind of thing before and will again.
But this isn't even remotely about survival as a species.

Is about which % is going to get ****ed more than they are already.

for now, yes. Who knows what the future really holds. It may well be that in 100 years, 1 billion people live as they are now, and 6 billion are on the verge of death!

Then in 200-500 years, 1 billion people living an ok lifestyle.

500+ years, nobody remembers the earth used to have 7 billion people living on it.

Doesn't farming the land only have another 100 years or so? Reminds of that interstellar film.

Maybe we should all live in mark zuckerbergs metaverse, and live off Huel :eek:

The ONLY way we are going to survive as a species in the long run is to stop this population growth.

Yes short term we need to reduce as much carbon as possible, but we cannot sustain the population, particularly doing it in an environmentally friendly way.

Problem is people still want to have 10 kids becuase "its their human right innit".....but really short of something else more drastic (bad war, desease, asteroid strike etc) ...and lets hope not, this is the only way forward. That would in itself cause short term problems with pensions etc etc, but these are all relatively insignificant given the stakes.

And another problem is this is a global problem being (not) tackled by however many goverments of countries all with their own ideas, goals and agendas.

The ****, will at some stage will hit the fan.
The end is nigh. The universe will destroy itself one day anyway.

Strangely enough, I’m not losing sleep over a theoretical event at least 21 billions years away.

We were saying the same in 1989, except it was called global warming back then, not "climate change".

We have done some right things though in the last 30 years. Less CFCs, less smoking, recycling more.

I will still have my bacon sandwich regardless :)

That jailbait witch Greta needs to sod off.

I remember it well when I was a child. The BP oil tankers in the sea was always getting hijacked from protestors. Same stuff, saying how the world would end if we didn't change. Which is funny because not much has changed from then until now and we're still here. Now everyone has a voice through the Internet for every grudge.
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