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The Intel Arc owners thread

Lunar Lake Xe2 appears to be 50% faster than Xe1. If that scales linearly to discrete GPUs that will put the B770 at around - maybe a bit more - than the performance of the RTX 4070 Ti (non Super). OCUK sell the 4070 Ti for about £740 (and the Super for £770), and we all know that price drops are coming later this year with the RTX 5000 series incoming. But it will also put the B770 at between the performance of the RX 7800XT and RX 7900 GRE, and the latter sells for £500, so I think Intel will have to price the B770 at around £400 if they launch in September.
The 16 GB A770 is now on sale at a certain high street electrical store for £230 per r/IntelArc. @Gibbo, will you be matching this price?

If I were being optimistic I would suggest that this might be a clearing out of stock before the launch of Battlemage.
I was considering one of these as a more modern upgrade to a radeon 5700 non-XT.

Unless it's a stop-gap I would not recommend one for gaming right now. Performance comparisons with the 5700 seem t to be scant, but the A770 seems to perform a little better than the RX 5700 XT. I think you'll want something better to actually notice a decent improvement, though you will gain XeSS. And Battlemage is due soon - I'm expecting September (no evidence, just a gut feeling) - and the high end of the RTX 50 series is also due late this year. If the mobile versions of Battlemage are anything to go by we'll see a 50% improvement which will put the B770 in 4070 Ti territory, maybe higher.

I understand that there is a fix that involves certain bios settings

I have not followed this issue.
More Battlemage rumours!

It's looking like an August or September launch to me. Hopefully the paper launch will be at Intel's event in late August with availability a few weeks later.
There any updates when ARC will support VR yet or still on the back burner?

Yes! VR looks like it's going to be supported by Battlemage:

Further browsing of of the database reveals "BGA2362-BMG-X2 Interposer for the Gen5 VR Test Tool"
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It is a new architecture which apparently fixes a lot of bad decisions made with Alchemist.

I read one article that said that certain internal hardware structures had gone from 8 bit to 16 bit to better support Unreal Engine 5.

I'm curious as to what people are expecting from Battlemage in terms of performance though.

The A770 already approaches the 4060 so I'm looking for a good step up from that. Something like the performance of a 4070 Ti, maybe Super. But the key will be price. Battlemage will need to be significantly cheaper than Nvidia. A 4070 TI currently sells for ~£750 so for equivalent performance a Battlemage card released this year will need to be £500, because next year it will be competing with the 5060 Ti and those will be around £400 or even the 5060 at about £300, at which point Intel cuts the prices.

I do think people should look at the longer-term picture. Remember how Ryzen went from being interesting in the 1000 series to pretty solid in the 2000 series and encouraged people to take the risk of jumping ship and then stomped the competition in the 3000 series onwards.
I have doubts about how long Intel is going to be content to be the ultra-budget option, having to massively undercut the competition to be noticed.

I agree. They'll have to get up there sooner rather than later. Though I wouldn't call £500 ultra-budget.

Let's also not forget that even first generation Ryzen was up there competing with Intel's very best.

For the enthusiast perhaps, but for the mainstream not really: it was too flakey. Untrustworthy.

He's not really a trustworthy source

You're being polite. And he spins 30 seconds of info out into 10 mins.
With the same number of shaders and bus width IMO its unrealistic to think Basttlemage is going to make that up, let alone a 4070 Ti which is 102% ahead.

Don't forget that some of the internals have doubled so with a better process node and faster VRAM and having fixed all the issues they found with Alchemist an overall 100% performance improvement is not impossible. We shall have to wait and see.
New driver up. Reportedly addresses idle power issues.

Also, new Vulcan layer:

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