***The iOS 5 Thread***

managed to uninstall then reinstall and get itunes working, im just a bit dubious about doing this restore to ios5
where do i stand if i get error message during restore ?
no just this pc, its only itunes that i seem to have issues with
ill give it another shot in a bit.
this GM, this is the version that is comming on wednesday yes ? exact same version, is all the bits enabled ? if not, how will they become enabled ?
got it working
As far as I know this version (GM) will be the public release. I can't promise but this is how it's been in the past.
but come wednesday, if i check for updates if there is anything different itunes should let me know yes ?
with icloud, can you share whats on your computer with devices ?
ie a folder with pics on my computer ? like idisk

also, findmyfriends, is that only on 4s ? or will it be available on launch day in the app store
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so theres no uploading to icloud from pc to iphone ?
so really the only benefits of icloud is when you have 2 or more idevices running ios5 ?
other than it shares pics onto your windows PC

am i right ?
quick question
ive sold my pc and ive not got a replacemnet laptop yet.
im in the process of backing up my data to a potable hdd
whats the best way to ensure i dont loose anything other than put it on the hdd
i cant add the entire itunes lib to my phone and then when my laptop comes sync my phone to laptop ( doesnt work like that does it ?
ih8snow just tweeted that siri isnt specifically designed for the A5 chip
Im guessing this will be available on the JB scene for IP4 soon

apple sauce
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i wish there was on option built into the ios that offered upload to dropbox, like it offers mms, email, etc etc

this is gonna be freekin awesome, updated, with no lag / speed issues

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