The IT Crowd Friday !!

One More Solo said:
One of the worst programs I've ever seen. Moss is about as funny as cancer, I don't think I've ever found a character in a comedy so offensive to my brain.

He's meant to be reprising his role in the American version. So just when you think it couldn't get worse, the AMERICAN VERSION :mad:
One More Solo said:
One of the worst programs I've ever seen. Moss is about as funny as cancer, I don't think I've ever found a character in a comedy so offensive to my brain.

I agree.Probably one of the worst "Comedies" ive seen for a long time.Dont know how it managed to get a second series :confused:
I thought it was hilarious. When Roy was under the desk between two women and moss had to try distract them in his mono voice tone...."OH MY look outside you will never see anything quite like this in your lives again" LOL
johnnyfive said:
I thought it was hilarious. When Roy was under the desk between two women and moss had to try distract them in his mono voice tone...."OH MY look outside you will never see anything quite like this in your lives again" LOL

My favourite

"Dear Sir stroke Madam, I am writing to inform you of a fire which has broken out on the premises of..." no, that's too formal (Deletes). Dear Sir stroke Madam. Fire, exclamation mark. Fire, exclamation mark. Help me, exclamation mark. 123 Carrendon Road. Looking forward to hearing from you. All the best, Maurice Moss.
I didn't think it was too bad, average really, but it had it's moments, especially now that I'm working in IT :p

Will watch it if I happen to flick to it, but won't be making time for it.
Richard Ayoade made this programme, and I loved it although I thought it could have been a bit more, why always the 6 part series's I want a 12 parter please, I thought he was excellent in Garth Marenghi's Darkplace as well as this so I'm hoping series two will be good tonight :)
RandomTom said:
Richard Ayoade made this programme [...]
What does it say about a programme when Richard Ayoade is the highlight, and the only genius in modern comedy - Chris Morris - is asked to play nothing more than a poor man's CJ?

That's a rhetorical question, by the way.

I hope the new series is funnier, but I wouldn't put any money on it; Linehan's solo work simply goes to demonstrate how much better he is when working with others.
That first episode easily topped anything in the first series - really looking forward to the rest of the series now. 'You lazy Irishman!'
That was brilliant. Genuine laughter from me and fairly original as sitcoms go.

Reminds me of the time I accidentally hit the 'disabled alarm' in the toilet on a GNER train instead of the door open... and the time a 'toilet guy' in a club in Bridgwater, Somerset called me a racist because I ignored and wouldn't pay him because I was too drunk to care.
Adz said:
and the time a 'toilet guy' in a club in Bridgwater, Somerset called me a racist because I ignored and wouldn't pay him because I was too drunk to care.

I hate toilet guys
hate toilet guys to.

Thought it was funny but I was genuinely was laughing for about half a minute when Jen turned round to get drinks and Moss was behind the bar. I expected it but found it hilarious.
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