Landlords provide a service in the same way that protection rackets provide a service.
That service being the ability to pay more in rent than mortgage repayments would cost (much more) and therefore being even less able to afford a deposit in future. Surely that's something all tenants want! None of them would want anything other than to pay the majority of their income to landlords. They love it.
I really don't understand how people can think landlords help the situation, when it's well known that by paying high rents to landlords you are being locked out of anything other than paying high rents to landlords for ever and ever, amen.
The country needs council run social housing, where rents are kept low and are used to reinvest in more social housing (obviously not for profit...)
The country doesn't need, as the current trends sadly support, more properties in the hands of landlords, and more money extracted from the low-paid in rent. It also doesn't need the taxpayer to subsidise those landlords with £billions spent in housing benefit.
People shouldn't cry for the landlords exiting the market. It means that we might finally be forced to fix the issues, a lot of them ideological barriers erected by the Tories and their hatred of social safety nets.
Landlords aren't the saviour they all want to pretend they are. They're a symptom of a broken housing market. The whole system needs fixing, and if that has to start with landlords being forced to sell up, so be it. Got to start somewhere.