The joy of being a landlord

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Ottakring, Vienna.
@dowie is absolutely right, there are clearly a great deal of cheap (no, not £1, does anyone genuinely expect a £1 house to be ready to move into today?!) houses that can be lived in with no immediate remedial work needed.

No, they are not in desirable, quaint Cornish fishing villages, but they definitely exist.
17 Feb 2006
It seems to be a combo of that and some entitlement issues, he lives in Cornwall (a desirable area) and the reality is that that means competition for homes there both for people who want to live there and for second homes.

Of course, I doubt second home owners will all be scrambling over some random terraced house or flat in one of the cheaper towns but they will be snapping up the ones by the beach etc.

The council can, of course, tax second homes a bit or indeed schemes can be made available for affordable housing but you're not going to satisfy any "blood and soil" esq nationalism of some of the locals who may desire such homes to be only for pure Cornish people by whatever standards they come up with. In reality, such schemes may have a requirement to have been residing in the local area for the previous 5 years say.

I'd agree that more social housing is needed but I disagree that that's *the* solution here, more housing in general is needed. I doubt they're going to build tower blocks in a small fishing village and so some areas will always fetch a premium and not much you can do about that other than, well, get over it. But the government and local authorities ought to allow for way more development in various towns, especially say the building of high-density accommodation near railway stations.
"It seems to be"... "I doubt"... and yet again you talk of things you have no experience or actual evidence.

And no, the council can't increase tax on 2nd homes, since Tory HQ has dithered and delayed giving councils the power to do that.

And no, it's nothing to do with Cornish nationalism. But feel free to keep flapping your jaws, making lots of assumptions, and being wrong about most of it.
29 Jan 2008
@Lopéz I'd qualify that by pointing out I'm saying it's present in certain areas of the country... but it could totally be the case more broadly with more supply of housing in general.
17 Feb 2006
Nah, plenty of people buy bangers and fix them up, just because you're incapable of pulling your thumb out and doing anything for yourself doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

And again you're ignoring that there are also cheap houses that don't require work... they're just in less desirable areas. You made a claim that there was no housing equivalent to bangers, there clearly are, there are undesirable, cheap homes here.
Bangers are available in all parts of the country, btw.

Just because there's a cheap house or two up north and by your own admission nobody wants to live there (probably no work, no transport links, in the arse end of nowhere) does not make it analogous to a buying a banger/runabout.

I can buy a cheap runabout in Cornwall, Wales, London, or anywhere else. They are abundant.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Ottakring, Vienna.
Bangers are available in all parts of the country, btw.

Just because there's a cheap house or two up north and by your own admission nobody wants to live there (probably no work, no transport links, in the arse end of nowhere) does not make it analogous to a buying a banger/runabout.

I can buy a cheap runabout in Cornwall, Wales, London, or anywhere else. They are abundant.
You can pluck a banger and move it anywhere else in the country you so desire. Houses tend to be a little firmer rooted and therefore their location tends to drive the price significantly more than it might your average banger.
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29 Jan 2008
Bangers are available in all parts of the country, btw.

Just because there's a cheap house or two up north and by your own admission nobody wants to live there (probably no work, no transport links, in the arse end of nowhere) does not make it analogous to a buying a banger/runabout.

I can buy a cheap runabout in Cornwall, Wales, London, or anywhere else. They are abundant.


(Also, the point was simply that they exist and that there would be more of them with more supply of housing.)
17 Feb 2006
You can pluck a banger and move it anywhere else in the country you so desire. Houses tend to be a little firmer rooted and therefore their location tends to drive the price significantly more than it might your average banger.
I any case, I fail to see how moving all the low-paid to the north fixes anything.

You still need carers, etc, in Cornwall.

Sure make us all move to Liverpool or Aberdeen. But who is going to look after you when you retire to Cornwall and there's no low-paid carers living there? They sure aren't commuting 300 miles to wipe your butt ;)
18 Mar 2008
@dowie is absolutely right, there are clearly a great deal of cheap (no, not £1, does anyone genuinely expect a £1 house to be ready to move into today?!) houses that can be lived in with no immediate remedial work needed.

No, they are not in desirable, quaint Cornish fishing villages, but they definitely exist.
See the problem here is that if there are no decent jobs around those hovels then what's the point?
12 Dec 2006
Real trend on this thread to be a snob about where and how you live, and condescending to other locations and housing while complaining about being destitute.
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17 Feb 2006
Real trend on this thread to be a snob about where and how you live, and condescending to other locations and housing while complaining about being destitute.
Who is doing that?

I merely said if you send all the low-paid up north, who is going to do their jobs in the areas you are forcing them to leave?

If you think that's me being a location snob, I think you've got the wrong end of the stick.

e: I don't live in one of the "quaint [former] fishing villages" as someone else said (there are no fishermen in these place any more, they can't afford to live there). The houses in those places can go for north of £1 million.

I live inland, as far from the sea as you can get (in Cornwall). Even here the new-build houses start at £300k.

The only thing that's "cheap" down here is the house that's falling apart, or the 1-bed "studio flat" that's shared ownership + leasehold (i.e., a scam.).
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  • Haha
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17 Mar 2009
@FoxEye and the other bed wetters, I got my property inspection report yesterday, and along with the faults found, and the things my tenant would like sorting, it'll cost me 6 months rent.
Hopefully you can read this through your tears and tantrums, and it'll cheer you guys up a bit, but I very much doubt it.
I thought all the landlords on OCUK kept their properties in tip top condition, serviced the tenants needs without any qualms and provided cheap rents too. Im devastated and surprised that faults were found and your tenant asked you to do some work on the property, i mean the inspectors and tenant should be thankful you even bothered to rent the property out at all, right?

Only skimmed through the last few pages (same half a dozen landlords over and over dog piling :D)

Love how if you want a home where you live and work, have connections and family the answer is to move as far away/north as possible, buy a cheaper house in a former fishing/factory/mining town which has no facilities and a dead economy with very little job opportunities and uproot your entire life to live somewhere you dont want to live. All in the name of, "if you cant afford my rent or buying my property then move up north you poor scum"

Classic :cry:
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17 Feb 2006
No one has answered this yet. I thought all the LL haters would be full of ideas :D

Irrelevant. Also, I couldn't care less.

That's like the bank robber saying, "If you want me to stop being a bank robber, show me how I could make the same money legally? Otherwise I'll keep doing what I want!"
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Ottakring, Vienna.
I thought all the landlords on OCUK kept their properties in tip top condition, serviced the tenants needs without any qualms and provided cheap rents too. Im devastated and surprised that faults were found and your tenant asked you to do some work on the property, i mean the inspectors and tenant should be thankful you even bothered to rent the property out at all, right?

Only skimmed through the last few pages (same half a dozen landlords over and over dog piling :D)

Love how if you want a home where you live and work, have connections and family the answer is to move as far away/north as possible, buy a cheaper house in a former fishing/factory/mining town which has no facilities and a dead economy with very little job opportunities and uproot your entire life to live somewhere you dont want to live. All in the name of, "if you cant afford my rent or buying my property then move up north you poor scum"

Classic :cry:
You don't have to move up North, you could always try at life, get a better job and afford a house somewhere desirable.
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