The joy of being a landlord

31 Aug 2021
I was thinking of renting mine out again, but as soon as my lease extension is completed it's going asap.

It seems the lease extension will take forever and a day, just tryng to get the solicitors to talk to each other is becoming a chore. so, from the agents..

I am pleased to confirm that I have found a young couple who would like to rent your flat.
The young lady receives benefits (including PIP, disability benefit) and the young man is a student (computing) and also works. The young lady’s mother is happy to be guarantor.
They are both well spoken and told me they live a very quiet life and are very boring.
They would be paying £XXX pcm.
I couldn’t get the outgoing tenant to decorate. The deposit does not work that way. They would have asked how much and how long ago so we would not be able to claim.

I have offered the new couple contribution towards paint.

Here we go again :eek:
Lets hope it works for all of us.
BTW the tenants have a month and a half free rent to decorate, which should be enough to replicate the Sistine chapel several times over, with a few Banksies thrown in.
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