The joy of being a landlord

Why do people use agencies? They're all crap and take 10%. Do you have some form of protection with them? If I owned I'd rather rent directly to someone and save both of us the cost. Or am I being naive?
My agent is pretty good and only charges 7%.
I really can’t be arsed with sorting out any problems and they have my permission to carry out any repairs up to £300 without the need to bother me.
I just didn't want the hassle of dealing with tenants and any issues that arise. Plus with all the new regulations and obligations, at least I know I'm doing everything I should #conscientiouslandlord :p

I actually use a local one man band type, rather than a firm, who I've known for years so it's quite an informal and friendly 'business' relationship we have.

That'll be Daley Rentals then? ;)
Where would they live if they simply can’t afford to buy or are unable to get a mortgage?

If they're not lucky enough to have a support network of family or very helpful friends they'll probably be one of the people in the link above.

New research from Shelter shows at least 271,000 people are recorded as homeless in England, including 123,000 children.
I have the same view on people who have 2 jobs.... With so many people out of work... How selfish of some people to take up 2 jobs.........:rolleyes:
Same as business owners really. How dare they run a business that makes them money... Damn tories, Right.

So those young people who struggle to afford to buy their own home, What exactly would they do if they couldn't rent one... You've just said they can't afford to buy.

What an absolutely bonkers comparison :cry: :cry: :cry:
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I've come 500 miles to inspect my home I have let out. And the agent doesn't have the right keys. That's three days and a lot of money wasted. Travel, hotel bills, meals.

Tell me about the joys of being a landlord again, someone, please? You know, how it's the route to megabucks?
Is it empty? If so, get a locksmith. It'll cost you, but will at least save the total cost of the trip from being wasted.

If it's not empty, can the tenants not let you in?
What an absolutely bonkers comparison :cry: :cry: :cry:
Not really, A landlord supplies a product there is a demand for. Theres too many people living beyond their means an refusing to cut back. There are people at both ends though, Yes there are people who have nothing and society should be helping.
And there are those who have nothing, Apart from designer clothes, Sky TV mobile phones and Faliraki holidays that need to learn how to cut back to save up.

My reply was to do with the Landlord being blamed for people not being able to save up for a deposit and the landord being so wealthy he can afford TWO houses.........
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Renting is often more expensive than a mortgage, the issue is they cant get a deposit because of inflated house prices and cost of living pushing rent prices even higher starving them of the ability to save. It is a self fulfilling circle.

I think renting has always been more expensive than a mortgage. Certainly was when I was renting 28 years ago. Even in the NW
Not really, A landlord supplies a product there is a demand for. Theres too many people living beyond their means an refusing to cut back. There are people at both ends though, Yes there are people who have nothing and society should be helping.
And there are those who have nothing, Apart from designer clothes, Sky TV mobile phones and Falaraki holidays that need to learn how to cut back to save up.

At least that doesn't apply to I'm off to Kolymbia! :p
Boo hoo im a greedy fascist and gorging on the proletariat misery is slightly more difficult than usual.
Property is theft comrades.
You have nothing to lose but your chains.
Class war.

Vote militant Labour! Smash the system.
I've come 500 miles to inspect my home I have let out. And the agent doesn't have the right keys. That's three days and a lot of money wasted. Travel, hotel bills, meals.

Tell me about the joys of being a landlord again, someone, please? You know, how it's the route to megabucks?
3days, was it a holiday to see friends are you claiming it back as companies expenses
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