*** The Kit Thread 13/14 ***

Liverpool have officially released their new kit. Can't be bothered linking photos cos I'm on my phone. It's quite retro and it's very nice... I just don't think it works with Warrior or the current sponsor.
Two things;

Firstly why are you Azza reporting this? You know you're only giving Baz ammunition to call you obsessed with Liverpool ;) :p

Secondly why when I go to Liverpools website are they advertising an Istanbul 2005 app in 2013? ;) :p
Would've been shmexy. :(

Edit: Just read about the supposed kit deal with Puma, £30,000,000 a year apparently. Nike were supposed to have been given first dibs on a renegotiation of the kit sponsorship but weren't willing to match the Puma offer. Adidas were supposedly in the mix as well but were put off by Puma's offer, I quite like some of the Puma kits I've seen. Not bad if it turns out to be true!

The article was on The Mirror's website, not really sure how accurate they are, probably not very, I also find John Cross to be absolutely unbearable.
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Time for a change for Arsenal after nearly 20 years with nike.

Yep plus we werent getting a good deal from Nike compared to what Utd are getting.

I like the top from a few posts above, that is sexy..shame its a fake though :/
Arsenal weren't getting a good deal compared even to the alsorans like Liverpool.... it's one reason why I don't buy into the naysaying being preached from certain quarters about how there is a financial timebomb ticking away and we are going to start making big losses soon. New deal is £34m/year which is more than £20m/year increase which will help to offset the reduction in profits on player trading.
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