The last game you completed, and rating (Console Edition)

Finished off Far Cry 5 New Dawn last night, nothing new in this instalment however if you like the Far Cry games its more of the enjoyable same. Wonder around and kill/destroy everything however you please. 7/10.
Just finished Horizon Forbidden West. When I say finished, I mean the story. With open world games, I only tend to stray from the story to level up and/or get gear for the main story. With this one, however, I may carry on with all the other quests, at least until something else tickles my fancy!

I very much liked the first game, but I loved this one. So much better, IMO.
22 - far cry 5.

Didn't grab me like 4 did. Skipped all cutscenes but the last few. Seem hank with the gunplay. But the game was fun after getting some perks and guns for hire friends
Eventually managed to catch covid last week, went through Hitman 1 and 2 on gamepass while off work. Already did Hitman 3 before that but wish I had done them in order (I didnt think I would like it). Have completed the story / campaign however far from "completed" them.
Disappointed that Hitman 2 ended where it did - still two missions left which I am guessing will bridge the story gap to starting Dubai in 3 however they aren't included in the GP version and need to be bought for an unreasonable $47. Other than that and the static CGI stills in place of animated cutscenes in 1 & 2 I really enjoyed it. Once you get to grips with the game mechanics it is brilliant. Will likely play through most of it again as there isn't much else around at the moment and complete all the story missions and a few other things. 8/10.
23 - mgs5. Well I think so. Did 30 odd missions and the credits rolled.

Absolutely amazing. Hated it at first but stayed with it because I enjoyed the earlier games. Glad I did because this is one of the best. (3,5,2,1,4 is my order of best to worse)

Great gameplay. Story is good
Not told through long cutscenes but audio tapes)
And it had liquid snake which is awesome
Finished Deathloop over the weekend. I enjoyed it, the end was pretty abrupt but i appreciated how i got there. Its a pity there isn't some way they could randomise certain things so that there was some replay ability as now i have played and finished there doesn't seem to be anything to go back for.

Finished off Far Cry 5 New Dawn last night, nothing new in this instalment however if you like the Far Cry games its more of the enjoyable same. Wonder around and kill/destroy everything however you please. 7/10.

I think my fav thing about the game was the granny sniper and the stuff she says over the radio while she is shooting away.. Oh and Hurk.. Probably one of the funniest elements in the entire series. It would have probably made FC6 a bit more interesting.
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