The last game you completed, and rating.

5 Feb 2009
Immortals of Aveum

Some fun bits, some frustrating bits, some repetitive bits. Pretty run of the mill fast-paced FPS but with magic instead of guns. Wholly unspectacular and inoffensively okay. Textbook 6/10 game.
25 Sep 2012
Hellblade 2 Senua's Saga

Closer to a movie than a traditional game I would say. Most of the time spent "playing" the game is walking through the incredibly beautiful environments. The rocks and moss in this game look incredible! It really is worth playing just to see how detailed and realistic the world looks. I have to say I have never played a better looking game in my life. The sound is also up there as some of the best ever made. Really immersive binaural sound.

The actual moments you take control and do things other than walking are actually kind of weak. The fights consist of you pressing the dodge button three times in a row and then once you get an opening you strike with your sword. That is basically it for the whole game. The puzzles are also very basic and repetitive.

If you liked the first game you will like this, which I did. If you liked the walking aspect of something like Death Stranding, you will probably like this. If you want to show off the power of your GPU this is for you. If you are looking for deep gameplay and you think the above sounds boring then perhaps give it a miss.

Graphics - 11/10
Sound - 10/10
Gameplay - either you will find it boring or be glad as it is so basic it gets out of the way of the story, which this game is all about.

Overall, it is either a 9 or 10 out of 10, or a 5 out of 10 depending on if it is your cup of tea or not. For me a solid 9/10.

I am just glad a game like this can still be made in 2024.
6 Aug 2010
Last Epoch. Although you don't really complete it, just decide when you've reached your limit on the the infinite grind!

Was good fun, especially playing with a few friends. Some of the builds are silly powerful but it makes it fun. Putting it down for now, but will pick it up again when a new season or major patch drops. Much better value game than Diablo 4 in my eyes.
29 Oct 2002
Assassins Creed Mirage

Looks great on PC, runs beautiful but a 6/10 for me.

Just didn't feel like it had much depth to be honest, very linear which I don't mind but I don't feel it's worth the RRP. Worth a month of Ubisoft subscription but only just!



2 Feb 2018
Horizon Forbidden West.

8/10. Not as good as the first game. Amazing graphics and combat but the story isn't as engaging plus Aloy is kind of unlikeable the way she seems to sigh and roll her eyes condescendingly at every person she meets.

Batman Arkham Origins.

8/10. Loved all the previous Arkham games but never played this one for some reason. Probably has the best story out of all of them and the Christmas vibe is nice. World feels empty and the graphics are obviously a bit dated now but still well worth playing.



2 Feb 2018

8/10. Scariest game I've ever played, end of story. Forget RE, Outlast, etc...this game will mess you up :). It is quite hard though and would have been very difficult in places without looking up guides etc as the solutions to things can be a bit too cryptic. Seriously disturbing game though!

I knocked it down 2 points for a needlessly clunky inventory plus a game breaking bug right near the end which meant I couldn't progress. I was ok to watch the rest on YouTube and apart from that and a few CTD's I had no issues. Technically the game never came out of early access I don't think.
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11 May 2010
American Arcadia.

The Truman Show in video game form. It was pretty good honestly. There isnt much 'game' here and the puzzles are stupidly easy, but the presentation and characters make up for it.

5 Feb 2009
Another Crab's Treasure

I really want to big up this game. It deserves way more attention than it seems to be getting. It's a souls-like game, but where you play as a cute little hermit crab.

The systems and world are impressively inventive (and thematically on-point for the aquatic world it creates), whilst also borrowing liberally from From and other games. There's a grapple like Sekiro, which gives some verticality to the world, you change weapons by sticking different things to the end of a fork (that you always have) to wield as a kind of hammer, and you find and wear different shells with different weights, armor values and abilities. There's also magic (umami), which gets pretty game-breakingly overpowered towards the end.

There's humour and cuteness and also moments of darkness and some challenging combat. Not Sekiro-level challenging, but I died to one boss eight times and another few bosses took me three or four attempts. It took me a little while to get the feel for the combat. Dodging feels like it has very different timing to Souls games, and the parrying mechanic is quite different too (you have to hide in your shell and time when to pop out). I was able to brute force the game with a heavy shell and umami build for the last third of it, which was fine by me to be honest.

Some of the platforming sections are pretty tough. As in, I died easily a dozen times, probably more, getting a special shell near the end and actually had my head in my hands at one point after nearly making it only to fall to my death yet again. I don' tusually like platforming in these kinds of games, but ACT pulls off the achievement of making it generally quite fun, again with elements that fit the world thematically quite nicely.

It's an indie game, so no super-polished flashy combat like Sekiro, but taking all the elements together it's really great and I had a cracking time with it. 9/10
9 Oct 2013
Finished Hellbade 2 and Still wakes the deep, both great single player story games. Very linear and scripted but great graphics, sound and story. Can recommend both if this is what you enjoy.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
Hellblade 2 - bit slow to start, but really picked up. Not quite as good as the first, lacking the diversity of gameplay elements and innovation, but an audio and visual masterpiece as ever and shows the promise of UE5.
25 Mar 2005
Torquay, Devon, UK
I've just finished playing and completing Robocop - Rogue City. I actually felt embarrassed playing it at times, as some of the mini objectives are so ridiculous. The gameplay is very simple throughout, as is the story. It is a simple 'switch off brain' shooter but maybe surprisingly has some incredible graphics in places, especially some of the street scenes. Overall i'd give it a 5/10
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