Just finished this today, and I absolutely loved it.
When I started playing as Abby I was a bit annoyed, I had no interest in her. But I ended up really liking her and also really liking that I played the same three days from both her and and Ellie's perspective.
So much so that I ended up preffering her to Ellie, ultimately Abby let Ellie go twice. Joel killed Abby's father who was only trying to save humanity, I actually think Abby was right to go after Joel. And in the end I was annoyed that Ellie went after Abby all over again. I was gutted when it looked like Ellie was going to drown Abby, and relieved when she let her go.
A solid 9.5/10 for me. Only dropping points because halfeay through it felt a bit of a slog, but then massively picked up again towards the end. Amazing visuals, amazing combat, stunning game.
totally agree with this! The only difference is that on a 2nd play through on survivor+ (1st was on hard) it’s now a 10. Wonderful game and the slightly boring bits on some of the flashbacks can be forgiven.