The Last Of Us

Started my game on survivor mode as i played through the ps3 version on hard, is there meant to be button prompts on the QTE's because i'm not getting them? Or is this how survivor mode works with guessing the correct button to spam... lol

I am guessing my game is glitched....
If I wanted to get this digitally, is getting £70 worth of PSN credit for £60 at cdkeys the only way to get it cheaper than £40? Obviously Im spending £60, but I would have £30 left to spend on other games...
Play it on a lower difficulty setting then?

I said it was slightly annoying, thats not annoying enough to play through on baby mode. Not a fan of QTE's in general so having no prompts is more of an annoyance for me than a challenge.
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I said it was slightly annoying, thats not annoying enough to play through on baby mode. Not a fan of QTE's in general so having no prompts is more of an annoyance for me than a challenge.

Nobody said anything about 'baby mode' as you so aptly described it :).

If you find the lack of button prompts frustrating, as they are obviously a clear part of the highest difficulty, then play on a lower setting :).
I got rid of my PS4 not long ago but this game is seriously tempting me to get another and take advantage of their PS3 slim + 5 games trade in offer to get the bundle with TLOU for £250. How good is this game and is the multiplayer any good?
again :)

There are five difficulty levels in The Last Of Us. To unlock the Survivor difficulty, you must beat the game once on any difficulty. To unlock the Grounded difficulty, you must beat the game once on Survivor difficulty. YOU DON'T NEED ANYMORE i believe in PS4.

  • Easy: For beginners. More ammo, crafting supplies, melee weapons, and healing items are spawned in the world. Also, the enemies are quite easy to kill.
  • Normal: Supplies spawn at a normal rate. Enemies are strong, but not as strong as in Hard. Sharp melee weapons spawn later in the game.
  • Hard: Supplies are rare to come by, and non-infected enemies are more aggressive and use cover very often. Melee weapons, such as the Pipe and Hatchet, are very rarely seen.
  • Survivor: For players that want a considerable challenge. Supplies are extremely rare to find. Game hints, prompts, and Listening Mode are disabled. All enemies do double damage.
  • Grounded: For the toughest of the hardcore. Supplies are next to non-existent. Game hints,prompts, and Listening Mode are disabled. All enemies do triple damage. The HUD is disabled. Enemy AI is extremely sharp, more so than survivor.
I can select Survivor mode and have not hardly started let alone finished. Does it look at your PS3 History as I have done it on that ?
only uncharted 2 is worth playing though :)

first ones a bit clunky as they were finding their feet...and those stupid bloody monsters...spoiled it all for me

2 has stupid monsters as well...but at least they are in the context of the environment

3 was ok..looked spectacular but didnt play as well as 2

The second one may be the best but they're all well worth playing.

Anything lower than survivor mode is baby mode, the batman sound vision mechanic makes the game to easy.

You can turn listen mode off separately though, which is definitely the thing to do anyway. Adds a lot more tension to the game.
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