The lost art of thread rating

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I'm going to rate every thread throughout the entire forum :D

I figure a good way to do this is use the new posts button, so hopefully we'll all be rating similar, active threads (don't you need about 3 ratings before a rating shows up?)

Only kidding :D

Rated 3 threads 5 stars and 1 thread 1 star.
Tru said:
When people get home from work and school tonight and open the forums they'll be like, "omf wtg?", and we'll be like, "what up?", and they'll be like, "pwetty stars!", and we'll be like, "oh them? they're OK". It'll be so cool.

I did actually have that convo in my head when I got in. Well, half of it anyway.
When we're rating threads should we do so in comparison to the general quality of the forum (i.e. Average for GD) or through some sort of objective analysis?
I kind of figured that any of the following should earn a thread 1 star regardless of content...

*Threads with a mis-leading or poorly thought out title
*Threads in which the opening poster is reposting something already on the first page
*Threads where the opening poster writes an essay length post without any carriage returns, or with poor punctuation.
*Generally stupid threads (what colour socks should I wear today? Should I get out of bed on the left or right? etc)
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