The low life Scum of this earth.

seeing things like this really boil my pee words cannot describe how angry reading that story makes me

4 years, and most likely they'll be out after 12 months with a tag :(

i can only hope that they are got hold of in prison and have massive amounts of pain inflicted upon them. how anyone can abuse a child let alone their own flesh and blood i will never know. there has to be psychological problems somewhere with these 2. to do that to your own child. I really cant comprehend how people can be like this. it really should be law that people like this can be sterilised and given a lifelong order prohibiting them being around children ever again
So sad, reminds me of Trainspotting with the junkie couple and baby, just think how many kids are being abused right now in this country!

Mrs Elder said: ‘They have an inability to cope with young children and the stresses and strains of life in general.’

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The greatest thing any human can do is create life, its not going to be easy, never has never will be, you cant blame the stresses of life on doing such things.

The wrong people in this country are reproducing, thats for sure.
I had to shut the page as it literally made me feel sick. As a father the concept that someone could do that to their own child is beyond my comprehension.

Lock them up for life at the very least, if they'd do it to their own child they'd do it anyone/anything IMO and should be kept away from the general public.
4 years in a young 'offenders' institute. ironic how offensive that fact actually is to the good people of the public.

i don't understand why a person would do this.
more than likely we'll get some bleeding heart social worker explaining to us all how the parents are the real victims in all of this.

death is too good for people like this :(
seeing things like this really boil my pee words cannot describe how angry reading that story makes me

4 years, and most likely they'll be out after 12 months with a tag :(

i can only hope that they are got hold of in prison and have massive amounts of pain inflicted upon them. how anyone can abuse a child let alone their own flesh and blood i will never know. there has to be psychological problems somewhere with these 2. to do that to your own child. I really cant comprehend how people can be like this. it really should be law that people like this can be sterilised and given a lifelong order prohibiting them being around children ever again

Couldn't have put it better myself. I hope someone inside tears off their finger nails, stamps on their feet and cracks their ribs!!
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