The low life Scum of this earth.

I've said for years we should sterilise the poor/criminals/drug addicts/the stupid and always get shot down in flames for it.

As for banning someone from having kids for life why not? Why not just tell them that if they dare to have another child it will be taken from them and they will spend the rest of their lives behind bars? Simples.
i actually feel sick.....just become a father myself (which probably strengthens my feelings right now)

4 years is just an insult....our law system is properly messed up. Didn't people get more for pinching a bin during the riots?
I couldn't read it all, just sick!!

They should be forcefully sterilised, either medically or with a very painful hay-maker to their baby makers!
Followed by a sever beating!

Twisted *****!
In this thread: People getting a bit too emotional about something that doesn't actually affect them and demanding vengeance like some mindless mob.
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