** The Macworld '09 Thread **

It's from yesterday onwards I think. Can't see it being moved.

That's Gay imo. I haven't used the word "gay" for anything since school! :p

I bought a new Unibody 2.8 on the 16th of december. I feel a bit peeved. O well, i'll get it somehow...
They presented a video explaining their thinking

I know - I've watched it but any business user will tell you that the battery in a laptop is the first thing to die.. I can see their point and that you can get it fixed by taking into the Apple store.

Additionally there are people that have a couple of batteries that get used - true the 7 hours is good but I'd realistically state that you'd perhaps be looking at 5 hours.. just on the edge of acceptability.. especially when the machine is a few years old that will drop perhaps 3-4 hours..

Just my experience over the fluffy marketing..
Pretty much a disaster all round.

The battery is nothing short of a mess and if they go down that route for their other laptops then it'll see a significant slip in their sales. And rightly so.

I'm opposed to the idea in theory but I've also had a MBP battery completely die on me (few months after purchase).

I can't help but think they've tried a normal battery in it and the 17" ate it in no time, then they had to put some sort of positive spin on this inbuilt battery.

Haven't even bothered to watch the keynote and will be unlikely to do so. The prices for their iLife updates are pretty farcical as well.

Don't get me started on the pay for 'music lessons' either. Skin crawling stuff.
Tempted by the Mac box set, I take it when buying a standalone copy of Mac OS 10.5 i'll still end up paying for 10.6 at full price again in a few months?
The same way you could buy Vista now and still pay full whack for Windows 7, yes. :p All the same sort of story.

Operating system changes/updates for Mac aren't that expensive though - helps to use the education discount too.
I'm really not sure why everybody is whinging about the non removable battery in the 17" MBP - I've never taken the battery out of my Macbook! I've had my Macbook for 2 years now and the battery still lasts 3:30 with the screen brightness at 100%, Bluetooth, WiFi on etc. etc.

It wouldn't put me off buying one - people like complaining for the sake of it I think.
What about the time when Apple had to setup an entire battery exchange program (about 2 years ago) because the ones they'd shipped out were flaky?

An inbuilt battery is just bad news and it's a messy way to go about achieving long hours on a laptop.

Not to mention the predicament those who may buy Apple products and not live near a retailer or reseller may be in, if it goes up the left.
I have some interesting information..

The battery in the new fixed batter in the 17" MacBook Pro is only covered by warranty FOR THE FIRST YEAR. If it fails in the 2,3,4,5,nth year you're paying the equivalent $179 replacement charge :(

Just re-watched the keynote, iLife and iWork are nice additions but didn't they push the whole "look how easy it is to replace the drive, RAM etc" angle on the Unibodies, and now they close it off completely? Madness

...and yes, 8hr battery life will be 5hrs whilst new, and down to around 2 hours by the 2nd or 3rd year which is sucky, as normally you'd just throw the battery and go new, but now you can't. I'm only dissapointed because I can see Apple pulling this stunt across the next MB and MBP revisions, just glad I got a 2.8ghz 15"unibody while they battery wasn't fixed.

aaaaaaaaaand breathe.
Didn't realise the battery was not removable. Doesn't make much sense! And the chances of you getting 8 hours of battery life is slim at best.
I have some interesting information..

The battery in the new fixed batter in the 17" MacBook Pro is only covered by warranty FOR THE FIRST YEAR. If it fails in the 2,3,4,5,nth year you're paying the equivalent $179 replacement charge :(

All laptops have a one year warranty? The ones OcUK sell only have a six month battery warranty - I don't get your point? Especially as the new battery is meant to last three times as long charge-cycle wise.

...and yes, 8hr battery life will be 5hrs whilst new, and down to around 2 hours by the 2nd or 3rd year which is sucky, as normally you'd just throw the battery and go new, but now you can't. I'm only dissapointed because I can see Apple pulling this stunt across the next MB and MBP revisions, just glad I got a 2.8ghz 15"unibody while they battery wasn't fixed.

If my Macbook can do 3 and a half hours with a 2 year old battery and the screen at 100% etc there is no way it'll only last 5 hours - we'll see when the reviews come out though.

As I said before, IMO it's just people complaining for the sake of complaining!
Quite - they see any 3rd party aftermarket replacement as lost revenue. So you're forced to pay their memory/drive margins.

Quite happy with my 4GB aftermarket 2.4GHz 15" MBP. I use it all the time, at work and home - infact the only thing I don't use it for is playing games where my old X2 4400 2GB seems fine still as my interest in games is waning anyway. I will be buying a replacement battery shortly to keep it going for another two years..
If needs a replacement HD then it'll get it - aftermarket too at which point a 7200rpm or SSD will go in and provide a boost in speed..
I have some interesting information..

...and yes, 8hr battery life will be 5hrs whilst new, and down to around 2 hours by the 2nd or 3rd year which is sucky, as normally you'd just throw the battery and go new, but now you can't. I'm only dissapointed because I can see Apple pulling this stunt across the next MB and MBP revisions, just glad I got a 2.8ghz 15"unibody while they battery wasn't fixed.

aaaaaaaaaand breathe.

Is this really an issue though? I mean every laptop that I have owned when I've come around to replacing the battery, the cost of just the battery is usually pushing £100 quid, so $179 doesn't seem too bad. So it seems to me the only inconvenience is the time to get it changed, and the fact you can't use the old battery as a spare.
Exactly, especially as the battery is meant to last three times as long as a standard battery.
I've never really thought about removable/built in batteries...i've never cared on the iPod that I couldn't remove it at least.

My battery in my MacBook is now on it's last legs (after a bit over 2.5 years of use and 209 charge cycles...26% health although it did last about 5mins and say 3% yesterday :eek: ) and i'm just thinking about the difference should I want a new one:

Removable - Buy a replacement...wait for it to arrive...put in!

Built in - Book a Genius appointment, back up my entire hard disk, lug laptop on the train to London, get to the Regent Street Apple Store, wait for available Genius, see Genius...then either:

A. Go for a wander around London while battery is replaced, come back & pick it up, lug the laptop home.

B. They can't replace it then, come home on the train, be without laptop for xx days, go back to London on train, pick up Laptop, come back on train.

Yeah, so option B is really that good :rolleyes:

The battery is only ever better if you don't have a problem with it so long as you want to keep the laptop. Oh, and you can bet self-done RAM/HDD upgrades will nicely void the warrenty!
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If your Macbook battery lasted 2.5 years then this one should last about 7.5 years :p

By which time it'll be obsolete anyway!

Needless to say, I don't really trust Apple as far as batteries are concerned...
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