US: The Man in the High castle

18 Dec 2008
Just seen this advertised, basically its set in an alternate time line where the axis powers won the war and now rule America and presumably everywhere else... Looks very interesting to say the least, any thoughts?
Struggled with it personally - the first episode jumped around a lot and wasn't really that interesting (the dialogue was really dry/dull) - even though it had massive scale and high production value.

Might have got better once it got into the story proper but the first episode didn't grab me at all.
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Is the whole series available on Prime now? I couldn't persuade my girlfriend to watch the pilot when it was released but if it's all out I shall try again!

Oh, OP you know it's based on a book by Philip K. Dick yes?

Can we move to the main TV/Movies section? :)
Have to say on repeat viewing I found it a lot more interesting once I knew the storyline and how bits fit into the bigger picture, way too much of the character development stuff, etc. meanders around, often doesn't really seem to be going anywhere and really isn't that interesting - on first viewing you can't put in context so its quite tedious, once you can put it into context you can enjoy those scenes for the ambience and connect more with the interesting parts.

Its loaded with blade runner references and tributes even the warehouse (mezzanine office) at the start is reminiscent of the police precinct, other scenes just a camera angle, a characters poise or turn of phrase, etc.
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Started watching it. Didn't finish the first episode. It's crap.

First impressions do not do it any favours - felt like wading through inane drivel in a lot of scenes when I first watched it - but once you know how the bits fit together its a lot more interesting (you can mentally skip some of the utterly boring character development and enjoy those scenes for other aspects that you might have missed the first time while trying to make sense of it - a lot of it is shot in gorgeous detail with a ton of ambience).
Just watched the first two episodes which are available and thought it was actually pretty decent. First episode was a little bit of a slow burner but they spend some decent time impressively world building. Entertaining at least and look forward to seeing the rest come 20th November.
PKD is one of my favourite authors but I'll confess, of all his novels this was actually quite a tough read for some reason. However I am looking forward to watching the series.
I've watched both the released episodes and really liked them. Sure it's a bit of a slow burn but most good stories are. :) I love the way they've setup some of the back story.
This is alright, watched the first 2 eps now.
Although that ambush on the Nazi guy was pathetic - 3 guys couldn't kill 1 bad guy, could have just flanked him. And the thing about the Japanese having the same law against Jews didn't make any sense. Just because the Germans had it, they had it too? It's not like any neighbouring country should just have another country's laws because they are near eachother.
I watched the first episode when it was first released and enjoyed it, so pleased it got a full season. Had to give myself a bit of a reminder before watching episode 2 though :D

Watched the first three now and intrigued to see how the rest of the story goes, I haven't read the book.
I'm about to start watching this as i remember liking the pilot when they brought it out a while back. Not expecting much from it though as most reviews are consistent with saying that pretty much everything between the first and last episodes are just filler.
This is quite a compelling show, has the proper "just 1 more" effect, up to episode 7 now. My only annoyances are:
The Japanese/Germans speaking English to each other when no-one else is around

The Obergruppenfuhrer has no German accent whatsoever, even though I'm sure he is supposed to be German after having talked about fighting in the war.

Joe could have just killed that Marshall when he knocked him out instead of going through the elaborate process of faking that girl's death.

This would also have meant he wouldn't have to deal with that guy reporting him to the Nazi HQ.

The Japanese could have easily caught that girl's boyfriend by now if they just had a tail on him or watched his house. For some reason all they did was tap his phone, when they could have known everything he was doing by just following him.

The BF dropping the necklace at the shooting, and then the trade minister finding it and later hiring the woman it belonged to was just too far fetched.
OK finished season 1 last night.
Not impressed with the ending. It seemed to be building up to some big reveal and then kind of fizzled out without an explanation. I guess Hitler being the Man in the Castle they were all collecting the films for was supposed to be a big thing but I was more interested in who makes the films.

Also, I don't usually like to use this term, but her boyfriend was the ultimate **** paying that ransom money.

I was also irritated by the amount of times the main character flip flopped and screwed the resistance over yet they continued to trust her.

And her boyfriend's friend trying to melt the gun? WTF, couldn't he have just thrown it in a drain or the sea instead of taking it to work?!
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