When you're 14th in the League and your owner is sacking staff on sight then of course the reporting is going to be negative. You're big enough and old enough to know that.Because its just relentless and we have been over all these things a dozen times. Nothing he said was particularly new, it was just coming from the horses mouth as an interview.
Because I am sick of the constant feed of bloody miserable reporting on United and the glee with which every man and his dog laps it up. Even when there is nothing to say or its not even noteworthy people are picking at United. As I said, United are the biggest club in the country and everything that happens (or doesn't) is picked up on. That was very much my point. That anything United is taken in the most negative light to generate clicks and your response was "I always love the 'nothing to see here, it's just the press looking for clicks' attitude some Utd fans have. You could be mistaken into believing that everything is going well at Utd at times.".
I mean come on Baz, how many United fans have you actually heard say that "everything is going well at United at times". You're just making stuff up. The reason we have this attitude is because of the way things are constantly reported. Its never ending and just the same thing over and over again.
And as for your last paragraph, of course I was exaggerating but I get exasperated by this 'they just want clicks because it's Utd' line that gets rolled out time and time again. The club is a mess right now and the face of your ownership has just done a load of interviews trying to justify bad and or controversial decisions he's made over the last year or so - of course they're going to report on this and of course (and rightly so) they will challenge what he's said. It's not clickbait because it's Utd, it's a major news story.