US: The Mandalorian

What a great episode but oh so short.

Jawa's are fickle things though eh? he snipes a few of them in to oblivion after they take his ship parts but are then more than happy to give the parts back for some egg yolk. I'd be peeved if my pals got zapped.

That yoda creature is sooo damn cute, i want one
I Love it.

The Ugnaught dude was ridiculously generous, I really thought he was gonna join his crew and that would be the format of the show. A little crew slowly growing over the season.

I thought he was going to turn on The M. I thought he was a bounty hunter himself and was waiting to do the dirty on whoever was successful on obtaining the 'asset'.

Would have made a nice twist, but i was happy to be proved wrong :)
for those who have seen episode two

I bet at some point people will start thinking is the baby of yoda species, that it is actually yoda himself reincarnated. because when the baby was using the force to lift the monster it was oddly similar to how yoda lift the x wing in "empire strike back"
And just in case anybody was curious, they have continued the time-honoured Star Wars tradition of basing the weapons on real life firearms. His blaster pistol is based on the Bergmann 1896 semi-auto pistol

when he started disintegrating Jawas it fulfilled years of waiting for that delicious murder :) I can only dream that we go to endor one episode and he has to flamethrower an ewok or 2. That is fan service.
I loved the second episode, although short it was absoutlely top notch throughout. Yes, selfishly I would like longer episodes but with such great storytelling and production I'll be happy if they continue with the shorter episodes.
Great second episode, I think it managed to set the tone of the show much better than the first. Bit of slapstick, comedy and humor - mixed in with some nice character building.

I do hope we have less CGI animal interactions in future episodes though!
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