US: The Mandalorian

I want to watch it but don't have the inclination to faff around with workarounds. Way too much stuff going in real life to bother. So Disney will miss out from me by March as I will probably hear/read all the plot by then :p.
I agree I thought it was pretty short and could have been doing with a double first episode but the next one is on in a couple of days. I really enjoyed the show, it had a great aesthetic to it, great visuals and solid cast and acting. I will say, it also gave me an impression of a very very well made fan movie. Not a problem and I found it pretty refreshing, that said I guess Jon Favreau is a big fan. Oh and I loved the undertones of a western. Most of the episode made me think of a Star Wars themed Clint Eastwood movie.
Got back from the states this morning before going to work. Really enjoyed it and i think the production quality was great.

I think some people are disappointed because it wasnt balls to the wall action, but why someone would expect that on the first episode of a standalone series is beyond me
Ticks all the boxes for me so far. It's a star wars universe I recognise. We are back to scruffy, run down, "eighties" looking galactic empire full of villainy and peril. It has Rogue One vibe with strong RoTJ echoes. Fan service nods such as the whole Kowakian Monkey-Lizard market stand aren't over the top for me. I'm happy.
I want to watch it but don't have the inclination to faff around with workarounds. Way too much stuff going in real life to bother. So Disney will miss out from me by March as I will probably hear/read all the plot by then :p.
Just fly to the USA on Torrent air.... If you dont wanna proxy all that crap. Remember they did this to us by choice.
The Good - Great sets, great costume, interesting story which makes me want to know more and expands the SW Universe in a way which makes sense, good CGI and good action scenes.

The Bad - Felt very short, thought it was supposed to be an hour, the empire "scientist" wasn't very good at acting and the "OP as ****" suicidal Droid bounty hunter who took massive blasts yet was fine until the script needed it to be weak.

The Ugly - The puppet creature effects were god awful, from the badly puppeteered mouth of the "Paul Tutel Sr" lookalike, to the obvious "ball on a shaky stick held by a man" door answerer who then was an obvious "human in a box" when walking away and the non-roasted creature etc, every single "non-background" puppet looked cheaply made and sub-par for the SW money!
The Ugly - The puppet creature effects were god awful, from the badly puppeteered mouth of the "Paul Tutel Sr" lookalike, to the obvious "ball on a shaky stick held by a man" door answerer who then was an obvious "human in a box" when walking away and the non-roasted creature etc, every single "non-background" puppet looked cheaply made and sub-par for the SW money!

Dude, those are perfect homages - the eyeball "on a shaky stick" is TT-8L/Y7 gatekeeper droid model we know from (among others) Jabba The Hutt's castle in RoTJ. It's "shaky stick" because that's how the original model behaved in RoTJ. The "voice" was perfect too. The "human in a box" was actually different droid to the "shaky stick" - The GNK carrier - referred to as power droid, gonk droid or ammunition droid (Battlefield games). It appeared in the very first film, remained with us ever since and it looks that way because it's exactly how it was in Ep 4. The "non roasted creature" - Kowakian Monkey-Lizard - Jabba The Hutt's pet of choice - "cheaply made" as you noticed - I'm sure was actually the original Henson puppet from RoTJ. These aren't "uglies", these are perfect continuations of 1980ies practical effect look of characters and objects from the film this TV show is supposed to be "back to back" with.
Dude, those are perfect homages

I know it was the idea, but the movie versions didn't seem so "poorly" done as these Modern versions were, for example -

1. It's "shaky stick" because that's how the original model behaved in RoTJ. - Nope, just watched RoTJ, it's very stable and pivots mechanically like a ball joint. The one in the Mandalorian is definitely a shaky dude holding a stick.

2. The "human in a box" was actually different droid to the "shaky stick" - The GNK carrier - referred to as power droid, gonk droid or ammunition droid (Battlefield games). It appeared in the very first film, remained with us ever since and it looks that way because it's exactly how it was in Ep 4. - It looks the same, but the actors inside doing the walking did a much better job in Ep4, 5 & 6 of not appearing exactly like a Human in a Box (subjective TBF).

3. The "non roasted creature" - Kowakian Monkey-Lizard - Jabba The Hutt's pet of choice - "cheaply made" as you noticed - I'm sure was actually the original Henson puppet from RoTJ. - It looked so cheap in bright sunlight. Maybe the "movie" version had better lighting (it was dark in Jabba's during Ep6) which hid just how poor it was, if it is indeed the exact same model but I don't think it was, I think it's a newly made model that just looks low quality because the close-ups in Ep6, even when dark, still looked to be a much higher quality of model.

TBF most of it is subjective but I felt the puppeteering, compared to the SW movies, was sub-par.
The Ugly - The puppet creature effects were god awful, from the badly puppeteered mouth of the "Paul Tutel Sr" lookalike, to the obvious "ball on a shaky stick held by a man" door answerer who then was an obvious "human in a box" when walking away and the non-roasted creature etc, every single "non-background" puppet looked cheaply made and sub-par for the SW money!

They did a perfect job imho. It's supposed to be like that. This is what's wrong with the new star wars movies. They are too 21st century. They absolutely got the look spot on.
I have genuinely just returned from a business trip to the US (inc real let lag :()and one of my colleagues was told to take me out to dinner. Instead we went back to his house, his wife made us dinner and we all watched The Mandalorian. Then we cracked open a couple of bottles of wine to discuss it. Excellent night :D

The one thing that I thought they missed was that after the 'event' on the ice and the obvious damage to the landing strut, his ship should have tilted slightly when next landed. That would have been right for Filoni's level of detail so I'm surprised he missed it. Really minor detail though.

All in all, I loved it. As others have said, it felt like OT Star Wars.
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