US: The Mandalorian

There's actually some of the hardcore nerds moaning about her head tentacles for lack of a better word being too short. Really practical to have these dangling and flapping about on your head when wielding light sabres.
Run time felt a lot better this Chapter.
I know the show is simplistic but I have explained that they are trying to appeal to a mass audience.

They don't have an easy task of trying to repair the damage done by the sequels.
The last 5 episodes have been better than the last 8 films.
I did like R1 apart from what happened the Bothans. It was my favourite race in SWG and we all know they got the plans to the Death Star.
Can anyone spoil me on this Grand Admiral Thrawn bloke and why he is a big deal? I never did get far watching The Clone Wars show because it went on for longer than I expected.
I did like R1 apart from what happened the Bothans. It was my favourite race in SWG and we all know they got the plans to the Death Star.

Wrong Death Star - Bothans was ds2, ds1 was Kyle katarn if we are going old EU

Can anyone spoil me on this Grand Admiral Thrawn bloke and why he is a big deal? I never did get far watching The Clone Wars show because it went on for longer than I expected.

thrawn was a character from old EU books that kind of reformed the empire after Rotj, he was blue and pretty clever, they reused him in the rebels cartoon and some books, now he is blue and pretty clever, but went missing with a young jedi dude just before a new hope
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Can anyone spoil me on this Grand Admiral Thrawn bloke and why he is a big deal? I never did get far watching The Clone Wars show because it went on for longer than I expected.

So quick history lesson: in the early to mid 90's Lucasfilm authorised the first few Star Wars novels and about 3 came out in about a year, Peace at Bactra about an invasion from outside the Galazy, one about Han and Leia and Heir To The Empire. This was the first novel in what has become known as the Thrawn trilogy. The trilogy is brilliant the setting is so plausible it's written before the prequels were made so Luke and any other Jedi (not many) are more original trilogy power levels not the ubermen we now have. Luke is really well dealt with actually.

Thrawn is a Grand Admiral who survived the collapse and took over the Empire he is a super rational leader barely any emotion if something is going badly he cuts his losses. He has a strategy that runs from book 1 to book 3 as well as mini campaigns that support it. He has no powers only intellect, apart from maybe an uncanny ability to study a species art and understand their psychlogy. He is without a doubt the most compelling villain in Star Wars after Vader and the Emperor. His Empire doesn't comically lose every week like in the Clone Wars TV show.

He was brought into canon in the Rebels TV show (set about 5 years before A New Hope) and is a not bad version of Zahn's character.

If you have the time buy some secondhand copies of Zahn's trilogy as paperbacks and read them. Then watch everything produced after the original trilogy and try not cry. The story is probably too long to make a trilogy of films but the quality of storytelling and the World that is built is the one we deserved not the one we got. The Disney trilogy villains are joke and Thrawn sets a standard that they fall laughably far beneath.
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The guy sounds like a brilliant military strategist and quite an interesting character to boot. Cheers guys, I'll read up on him in a bit as I'm curious about the blue thing.
Wrong Death Star - Bothans was ds2, ds1 was Kyle katarn if we are going old EU

thrawn was a character from old EU books that kind of reformed the empire after Rotj, he was blue and pretty clever, they reused him in the rebels cartoon and some books, now he is blue and pretty clever, but went missing with a young jedi dude just before a new hope

Had a blond moment forgot that quote came from the battle of endor :p
The guy sounds like a brilliant military strategist and quite an interesting character to boot. Cheers guys, I'll read up on him in a bit as I'm curious about the blue thing.
Chiss race. Blue skin red eyes. There planet is past the outer rim
Did anyone else notice the owl (Morai?) sitting in a tree, watching Djarin as he walked through the forest looking for Ashoka? Thought that was a cool little touch.
I can’t say I even noticed when watching it or cared when I clicked the above link. Your kicky I even clicked it given where it goes. :p

They hardly did a George did they? :rolleyes:
So are the Star Wars movies....including the original trilogy.
The original trilogy may have had kids in mind with but they were dark and adult in comparison to everything that came after them except Rogue One. They were not aimed at kids in anything like the overt way that the ridiculous prequels were. It was a different time with less sensitivity and political correctness than now.

The Mandalorian has some adult themes and good atmosphere but is just shovelling on the kiddy cuteness while mostly being dumb as a rock.
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I agree, I think the merchandising success of ANH and TESB surprised everyone. I don't think anyone is going to dispute the Ewoks were a pure marketing gimmick chosen on the basis of their likely selling power. The Prequels followed this trend a bit more. The Mandalorian is neither more adult nor more kidsy than what has gone before it neatly sits in that centre band combined with solid Star Wars visuals and attention to the Lore that ensures it's never jarring in the way the Disney trilogy was.
I agree, I think the merchandising success of ANH and TESB surprised everyone. I don't think anyone is going to dispute the Ewoks were a pure marketing gimmick chosen on the basis of their likely selling power. The Prequels followed this trend a bit more. The Mandalorian is neither more adult nor more kidsy than what has gone before it neatly sits in that centre band combined with solid Star Wars visuals and attention to the Lore that ensures it's never jarring in the way the Disney trilogy was.
That isn't strictly true. The Ewoks on Endor were a replacement for Wookies, which Lucas had originally first thought of as primitive savages until Chewbaccas development changed that idea. were originally supposed to,were ultimately replaced by Ewoks.&text=So when Lucas had the,for a smaller version: Ewoks.

That marketing played a role in deciding on the Ewoks as an alternative to Wookies likely played a factor, but so did not having to find 100x 7-foot men to play the Wookies and then creating 100x giant costumes. "Little people" (children and midgets) are in more plentiful supply and much cheaper to hire and make things for.
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Hah you so can tell Robert Rodriguez directed this episode

stormtroopers are straight out of a desperado fight scene in the town :D

Slave 1 and TM in BF armour = winner! BF no longer rubbish!
Dark Troopers!

basically this is everything i have always wanted :D:D:D


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