US: The Mandalorian

I have now come to a conclusion about the writer of this show, Jon Favreau. Jon know what Star Wars should look like, he knows what Star Wars should feel like... but he is not a good writer and he is not a good caster.

Episode 4 of The Mandalorian contained some TERRIBLE dialogue... so bad you have to wonder how the **** people with multi-million budgets PER EPISODE cannot at least produce a half-decent script. The interaction between Cara Dune and Greef Karga is just painful. The actor who plays Greef Karga, Carl Weathers, is not only terrible and unconvincing in this show, but he also directed this episode, and it shows. Lots of disconnected action sequences shoehorned in for the sake of it, lacking in any tension whatsoever. The guy who plays the blue alien Mythrol guy is just diabolically bad, like they just grabbed him at short notice from the street.

This show looks and feels like Star Wars, but it is superficial. The acting and underlying script are atrocious and the story is just badly written, with characters doing and saying things that don't make sense and relying on too many gimmicky crutches such as now heavily overusing Baby Yoda to turn him into some human baby.

The first season was notably better because it was more genuine and it was not yet a runaway success... now they are trying too hard to impress and make people laugh make it as "Star Warsey" as possible and in doing so they are losing what made it work in the first place. It's a shame, because if this had been a show that had a good script and serious acting it would have been absolutely killer.

As it is, I will of course watch it because it's Star Wars and it is helping the popularity of the franchise which may lead to more and better movies, but it is certainly not of a high standard.

The writing and characters are a lot better than the recent movies though. The setting is much closer to the original movies.
There was a slight flaw......

In the end fight between Ahsoka and Morgan Elsbeth whenever they locked spear and lightsabers, then holding the pose for a second or so, why didn't Ahsoka just run her blades away from each other? They'd have removed Elsbeth's fingers and the fight would have been won quickly.

Me watching this weeks episode.
A+++++ episode would watch again.

First time I cranked my amp to -25 on the speaker outputs too the sound was that good it just had to have that cinematic seat vibrating volume to go with it :D :D :D

He has a name!!!
It’s weird because I like the aesthetic, the way it’s shot, the music - it’s all very SW - and yet... why does it seem it was written and scripted for children? It’s so basic it’s starting to grate and it’s like they’re spending more time on sneaking Easter eggs in and nods to fans than the meat of the episodes themselves. Agree with Richdog about some of the tonal confusion too - like it’s not quite sure at times what it wants to be.

Like when they were teaming up you expected some sort of clever double-cross ploy to get her through the gates and to the target, but she literally just hops over the wall and Mando’s main contribution is a western shoot out with an 80’s icon.
Really enjoyed the episode today. The child has a name, and we learn some of his origin.
Agree with others, that was all kinds of awesome.

I’m not sure the filler people are watching the same series as me :confused:, perhaps they got lost and were meant to post in the Star Trek discovery thread :p
Whoo ho!!!!

Haters be like!!!!

There's a reason this seems to be written for children because it has been written for children!!!

So much for wine&dining. It was completely pants down from start.

So much good in this Chapter. So many drop's and hints of stuff to come :)
Probably the best episode I can remember, no issues with the script this week :)

Like when they were teaming up you expected some sort of clever double-cross ploy to get her through the gates and to the target, but she literally just hops over the wall and Mando’s main contribution is a western shoot out with an 80’s icon.

I was a little disappointed by this, I assumed Mando would 'bring in the Jedi' then as they get into the inner hall, 'surprise!'. It turns out, the Jedi would have been fine by herself, which I guess is another point of weak writing.

the last two episodes but the story didn't really go anywhere this week.

Agreed. Yes, the story 'moved on'. The place he has to take Baby Yoda to has now changed... so... it's changed but it's basically the same. I thought maybe the Jedi would be Grogu's new trainer and we might have some actual ongoing story, but in the end, no, 'see ya!' When the only characters in one episode to the next are Mando and Baby Yoda everyone else is in for one episode and gone, that's why they feel like filler. Reminds me of Quantum Leap or The Littlest Hobo or something... :(

But yes, was a fun episode with swinging light sabers and such :)
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