So apparently Cara is getting killed off as the actress upset Kathleen Kennedy & co with saying bad things on social media. Nice!
I'm not on Twitter so have absolutely no idea what this means... I fear I'm going to regret asking this but what does it mean?The final straw was that she refused to put her pronouns into her bio.
I'm not on Twitter so have absolutely no idea what this means... What does it mean?
Thank you for the explanation and yeah sorry I asked! Ignorance can be bliss....It means that when you have your name on Twitter, you're supposed to subtitle it with how you want to be addressed. So a CIS male is supposed to label themselves with "he/him", a woman would label "she/her", a non binary person would have "they/them". These are the demands of the woke groupthink. You must label yourself and declare yourself part of a group identity.
Gina Carano didn't want to be told what to do, so she had "boop/bop/beep" because she refused to be bullied into doing what the woke wanted, that it was her choice to not label herself. It was like effectively trying to out her, and she didn't want to play. This then became an accusation that she was mocking trans people and how she should be fired from the Mandolorian. It was the same when she refused to condemn all police, or support BLM after the riots in the US. She kept her opinions and politics to herself, and this enraged the woke, who then labelled her their enemy for not siding with them.
People like Dataracer logged the tweets she got from the woke, and how those people did not have their account cancelled for their breach of ToS is the real scandal.
Thank you for the explanation and yeah sorry I asked! Ignorance can be bliss....
Hang on what... “they/them”? As in bipolar?
Shes a Trump conspiracy loon sadly. Shame, I did quite like her character.
Shes a Trump conspiracy loon sadly. Shame, I did quite like her character.
She really isn't. Because she refused to stand with the left, she was labelled (by the woke) as being on the right, but she's never said anything about her politics or who she supports. As far as she is concerned, it is nobodies business but her own. She just doesn't believe in being bullied with the justification that "silence is violence".
So what if she is? What does her political stance and personal beliefs have to do with her ability to portray a character on screen?
Yeah she has, spouted some nonsense about election fraud.
TBF, she said they needed laws and processes against election fraud so that people wouldn't feel they couldn't trust the election system, and the system needs overhauling.
Indeed and why do they distrust the system.....because of all the loons lying about fraud and promoting baseless conspiracy guff.
Either way, it will be a shame if she is kicked off