The Many Deaths of Pc Gaming

Pfft! It depends on your definition of dying i guess. Yes new pc games are coming out every year but in comparison to say 10 years ago how many make you go "wow!!! that looks really interesting/groundbreaking/original and I must buy it"?
Perhaps its just a side effect of getting old or whatever but I've gone from upgrading my gaming rig to every 12 months to every 24/36 months in the last 5 years and I know I'm not alone.

Im the same, my next upgrade will be a mac mini. Not bothering with upgrading my PC. I only play ArmA2 now and my rig runs it very well. It should last years, unless something pops.
yep, ive said a few times on here that im done with battlefield of heroes world of warfare series. I want to bring back fps with health packs (no regen health) carrying 10 guns (rather than 2) a crazy weapon that can blow up entire screens of enemies, with more colour and imagination with out cliche'd american soldier cheese. There are less risks now in gaming probably due to the cost of actually developing them. There are also more casual gamers than ever also who will happily eat up the same game year after year. There are still some modern classics and gems out there though
LOL - Great video.

The 8th generation of consoles will surely mimic a PC more so than any other.

Keyboard, mouse, web browsers will surely be supported PROPERLY.

I am thinking that surely the next Xbox should possibly dual boot between Windows and "Xbox" :)
Very well put. The PC has changed, but its still a PC.

Thats a retarded statement as consoles fade away to replace a new console. The playstation brand has been around for well over a decade now.

PC's in some for will always be around. The Xbox360 will be replaced but I'm sure the Xbox brand will stay.
Very true. It is slowly dawning on me I am just getting bored of gaming in general. Most of the games are just the same bloody thing just looking different. Indie games are definitely where a lot of my interest now lies.

This is true.

The Indie gaming scene is DEFINITELY exploding at the moment, partly with the help of Steam I would suggest.
LOL - Great video.

The 8th generation of consoles will surely mimic a PC more so than any other.

Keyboard, mouse, web browsers will surely be supported PROPERLY.

I am thinking that surely the next Xbox should possibly dual boot between Windows and "Xbox" :)

yea i doubt it will be long until xbox's are basicly pc's you cant upgrade
Support for web browsing etc maybe, but console games themselves will always be designed around handheld controllers - always.

agree'd. microsoft wont allow mouse keyboard support as it would make online play on live unbalanced. casual gamers cant get out of using a controller. c'mon their so rubbish at games they are removing controls completely. you just jump around your living room now like a crazy now with kinect,ps3 move and the wii
Did nobody read what i just wrote? , it's not the same thing again. Every thread is about PC GAMING IS DIEING and it's repetitive and old. This video finally puts it to rest! :mad:

I just saw a load of quotes saying PC's are old, out of date, dying?
PC gaming to me is a hobby. Console gaming to me is just another form of entertainment....that's the difference between the two. It's about tinkering with your rig and upgrading, modding games, tweaking them, etc.

I've been playing computer games since the Vic 20 days. So to me I've seen it all. Consoles come and go but the pc is timeless because of its modular design and yes it does bug me that things aren't like the glory years anymore (mid 90- early 00s). But the industry is different now. Those creative, passionate game companies have all turned into big money-grabbing enterprises for the least amount of effort needed. Milking the masses...consoles are great for that sort of business ethic. If we are lucky they throw us a few chewed bones occasionally (console ports)....but hey, it's not all bad :p
Thats a retarded statement as consoles fade away to replace a new console. The playstation brand has been around for well over a decade now.

PC's in some for will always be around. The Xbox360 will be replaced but I'm sure the Xbox brand will stay.

I must be having a stupid moment, as I know what I ment when I first wrote my point, but didnt actually add any evidence to my point. Now I have forgotten what my point was in the first place...
PC gaming to me is a hobby. Console gaming to me is just another form of entertainment....that's the difference between the two. It's about tinkering with your rig and upgrading, modding games, tweaking them, etc.

^^ This

I'm not sure i've left a game unmodded in the last 3 years or so, even the best games have something that gets on my nerves or i think needs tweaking, even if it's as simple as a high res texture pack (think fallout 3, can't wait for a fallout NV one!)

I bought an xbox 360 had it for about 6 months then sold it once i'd essentialy started using it as a glorified DVD player.

The issue i have with consoles is that i can't change things ingame, i buy a game and even if there're parts of it i don't like (things that could be easily fixed on pc with a minimum of modding) i'm stuck with it!
Add to that the fact that PC games tend to be cheaper than console games (usually a difference of about £10) AND the fact that i HATE gamepads for fps's! and i mean hate, gears of war on xbow 360 was almost painful!

There is however one trend in pc gaming recently that's really annoyed me, and that's the tendancy to port games straight from console to PC! my PC is capable of so much more in regards to graphics than an xbox, so why am i stuck with xbox graphics!?! (i know i know it's a lot cheaper for the money grabbing sods)

I'll always be a PC gamer myself, i can see why people like consoles but i guess i just like to tinker to much.
How often have we heard this statement, I've been playing on pc since the ZX 81/BBC micro days the last and only console i have ever owned was a mega drive (which i soon got bored with). Pc' s are constantly evolving but we do have this sad state of affairs in that the consoles for the most part control the market therefore the games we play are
1) Short and unimaginative
2) Will not evolve graphically until the next gen console arrive.
Had a mate round recently who is your typical Xbox/PS3 player, he could'nt beleive who sharp the games were on the PC or that you could play online with 30+ players and my gaming rig is stil XP DX9 (windows 7 + graphics upgrade coming shortly). I then had to explain about dedicated servers and also that his Xbox etc is using tech from around 3 -5 years ago.

I dont think PC gaming will die but just keep evolving, mainly because the console in some respect needs the PC and vice versa ie the PC provides the advancement in tech and the console keeps the games market alive.
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